Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 12 18:11:03 EDT 2001 | davef
First, what on the area array package are you analyzing � * Package cracking? * Cracked solder balls? * Er, what? Second, most failure analysis discussions consider dye penetration to be a non-destructive test, but then again most failure analysis
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 03 11:27:49 EST 2006 | kennyg
Does anyone know of a source for salvaging column grid arrays with damaged columns (through bad handling or removed from a PCBA)? Not reballing, but recoluming.
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 25 14:22:40 EDT 2004 | jjh
Will there be any problems with reflow when using CCGAs on nonwoven aramid reinforced pcbs? thanks!
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 06 07:18:47 EST 2019 | SMTA-Bob
I am looking for some old scrape boards that have either CCGA or CBGA, high temp columns or balled devices for some process experiments I am doing. If anyone has some please let me know, the company name or supplier will not be see or used Many than
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 13 13:43:51 EST 2006 | russ
As far as I have determined, the Gel and Tacky are the same animal. Just flux works well, I did forget to mention that this flux only method will not work with a CCGA (Ceramic Column Grid Array) since these columns are not meant to be reflowed.
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 31 19:03:49 EST 2005 | myu
We need to rework for CCGA1657 (Ceramic Column Grid Array): removal and soldering. Its size: 42.5 x 42.5 mm. Its height is 7.25 - 9.61 mm. We use 63Tin-37Lead water-soluble paste. Our mini-stencil is 6-mil with 27 mil apertures. Please show your expe
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 09 07:37:33 EDT 2004 | C Lampron
Abraham, Lead free components in a leaded process should not be a problem. The problem increases with leaded components in a lead free process. For the most part, the only difference that you will see is in BGA procesing. If a BGA is lead free, the
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 17 23:11:30 EDT 2004 | KEN
I have an application that uses 0201 devices coupled with ceramic column grid arrays. The coplanarity of the balls is specified not to exceed 7 mils! 4 mil foil for 0201's with a selective buildup to 7mil for the ceramic. Bloody designers! Take y
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 24 19:57:40 EST 2002 | davef
Are there formalized standards for the properties of solder balls? No Get IPC-7095 �Design & Assembly Process Implementation for BGA's�. General comments about array package solder balls are: * Ceramic packages use harder solder, like 90/10. * Pla
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 14 06:41:43 EST 2004 | clampron
Good Morning Everyone, I had a question regarding the use of a lead free BGA in a leaded process. All of the information I have gathered from various seminars state that this is OK. It will process more like a column grid array where the 63/37 will