Electronics Forum: column rework (Page 1 of 2)

BGA rework using Tacky Flux

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 13 13:43:51 EST 2006 | russ

As far as I have determined, the Gel and Tacky are the same animal. Just flux works well, I did forget to mention that this flux only method will not work with a CCGA (Ceramic Column Grid Array) since these columns are not meant to be reflowed.

BGA rework using Tacky Flux

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 19 06:25:42 EST 2006 | bwet

There are several life studies (see for example http://www.solder.net/stencilquik/articles.asp) which point to higher reliability of reworked BGAs using solder paste vs flux. The theory on the mechanisms which allow this to happen are as follows: 1

CCGA Column Repair

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 09 11:01:52 EDT 1998 | Kris Ewen

I'm looking for information from anyone who has been working with CCGA packages & has looked into the issue of repairing bent columns - the result of mishandling, rework or MPAV's dropping them and making you panic as all of the other components are

BGA Short

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 25 12:23:49 EDT 2002 | yngwie

Hi Experts, I'm facing short problem with BGA at SRT rework in one particular BGA. It is BGA, with a metal piece at the center like a coin. The BGA is located in between two high profile press fit connectors and the short always observed at the si

Need Help for CCGA Rework

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 31 19:03:49 EST 2005 | myu

We need to rework for CCGA1657 (Ceramic Column Grid Array): removal and soldering. Its size: 42.5 x 42.5 mm. Its height is 7.25 - 9.61 mm. We use 63Tin-37Lead water-soluble paste. Our mini-stencil is 6-mil with 27 mil apertures. Please show your expe

Need Help for CCGA Rework

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 11 09:06:08 EST 2005 | russ

We use at least an 8mil thick stencil for these parts. The Columns do not collapse or reflow so you need to ensure plenty of solder volume for reliable attach and to make up for the coplanarity of the component itself. I assume we are not really ta

Need Help for CCGA Rework

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 01 15:26:43 EST 2005 | GS

Is it this your first experience of C-CGA RWK ? In order to approach a RWK of this kind of pakage it requires a capable process and clear operating procedure. In the past, the company who I use to work for, we rwkd plenty of this kind of CCGA. Earl


Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 03 10:37:41 EDT 2013 | sara_pcb

My circuit board contains 11 x 11 matrix 1mm pitch BGA, The device was tested in socket on evaluation Board. We handed over the actual PCB & devices for re-flow. The assembly house first re-flowed all the SMT components other than BGA. BGA was placed

LGa soldering issues......

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 26 12:06:44 EDT 2009 | clampron

Good Morning, I have been struggling with this part for some time now. I have to agree that whoever designed this part, did not have to manufacture with it. We have advanced to a point where they have a acceptable yield but I believe that will be hi

Re: BGA ball size reliability

Electronics Forum | Fri May 07 17:02:01 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| On 1.27mm (0.050 inches) Standard Ball Grid Array's. | The ball size diameter starts at approximately 0.025 inches. | | If the ball size decreases to 0.012 inches (due to the solder flowing down a via) is the solder connection reliable? | | This

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