Electronics Forum: combinational tester (Page 1 of 1)

advice on selecting ATE/ICT

Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 22 23:57:53 EDT 2007 | accurex

The selection of Test equipment primarily should be driven by the requirement of fault spectrum you would like to capture. If you are looking at Manufacutring defects MDA/ICT would do the job, if you would like to cover the functional aspect a combin

Contamination test

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 30 21:03:44 EDT 2001 | davef

You should specify the level of res based on the effect of the res on the end-use of the product. J-STD-001 defines cleanliness requirements for ALL flux types, including water soluble and no-clean that you mention. 1 There is no equivalency betwee


Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 10 08:05:09 EST 2007 | davef

Here's your test definitions [clipped from the dictionary in the fine SMTnet Library]: * Test, Automated. Computer controlled electrical testing of parts, assemblies, or finished products. * Test, Built-In (BIT). An electrical testing technique whi

Re: un-tested assembled circuit reject rates

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 07 14:21:41 EST 1999 | Brian W.

In my experience, the most commonly accepted theory is that 100% inspection is only 80% effective AT BEST. That means that if your inspoectors are happy, noy outside concerns, well-rested, etc, they will catch 80% of the defects. This number goes d


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