Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 20 05:17:10 EDT 2002 | byates
What are the error codes?? you dont even know if it is the vision type until you have checked this out. It could be camera lighting. Do you know how to use vision trace on your machine? What is your x&y tolerance? What about vision 254 or 255 have yo
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 12 18:06:33 EDT 2015 | bnorton
Here's the end of Logicomm capture on Force COMM2 where it starts the Lantern system not active messages. Couldn't get attach to work. Startup and earlier .ldx file loading omitted ulLoadTasks(): Opening the RFS pseudo device driver ... ulLoadTas
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 17 05:18:55 EDT 2008 | ralphspm
Our Fuji IP2 has a problem reading fiducial marks.It finds the mark(is shown on console display) but after time gives out the error statement "image display time over".It gives out an error status code of "FFFC" on the console display.Cannot find any
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 10 07:42:52 EDT 2008 | lloyd
Can you provide a bit more info on your machine setup. I not full fimilar with the S-27 so a few points may not be relevant to your machine. Are you using Siplace Pro. Are you using the standard GF for the 0201 component. Do you have the component
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