Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 30 16:50:41 EDT 2015 | lokit
In our production line we use the pick and placer My100 by Mycronics. We get a lot of feedback from quality department about IC's being placed upside down, wrong polarity. (Wrong polarity usually already delivered to us, or IC's placed in the sticks
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 05 09:41:50 EDT 2015 | kmots15
For upside down and rotated parts try using the index mark (F6) in the package database for that component, at least then the machine should look for a unique feature on the bottom and if it cannot find it the part will be rejected. For the index ma
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 30 17:31:41 EDT 2015 | dyoungquist
We are running a Mydata (Micronic) MY15E. The MY100 is the next generation after the MYxxE series. As far as I know, there is no way for the machine itself to check the polarity of ICs to see if 1 or more are in the tube or reel different from all
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 13 14:18:41 EST 2006 | mark
Hi, I would like to ask you how you test the PCB (electrical test) of first PCB before starting production.? What kind of equipment you are using? and method to confirm that components on PCB are correct (value, orientation, describtion, polarizatio
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 13 15:55:07 EST 2006 | DannyJ
Hi Mark, I'm guessing from your letter that you are not asking about traces, just component values. We use a tool called 'smart tweezers' (catchy, eh?) to do jsut what you are asking. Very easy for our QA department to use a BOM to compare agains
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 31 15:15:13 EST 2006 | russ
Heat guns used improperly will definitely damage components. You must have a controlled heat gun that can be set to the max temp you want pb =215C max, Pbfree maybe 240C max. This heat gun must not be able to be adjusted or you must have total trus
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 31 15:51:04 EST 2006 | russ
Relays huh? I can tell you from previous experience that relays are not a good heat gun candidate. Did you check how long this part can withstand the 240? I do not know what the 4 setting is on a liester but it is probably well in excess of the 24
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 01 08:12:04 EST 2006 | Chunks
OK, this is easy. You say HIGH fall out, so I can assume 25 or 50%? If so, run 10 without the heat gun and 10 with. This should show you if the heat gun process is the cause or not. If the relay is a surface mount, hand solder them on. If it's a
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 12 21:43:50 EDT 2016 | cmarasigan
There is an auto teach of QFP component for CM402 wherein machine can auto recognize number of pins, pin pitch. Just make sure on your part data you have selected the right reference part (Ref: 171)for QFP. For manual component recog; 1. Set Comp si
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 16 09:49:25 EDT 1999 | Ronan BERTON
Hello, i'm looking for informations about companies which are using system to verify the loadind of a SMT machine by using barcode (on the slot on the machine & on the reel). I'm in charge of the installation of this kind of system. I expect to have