Electronics Forum: component epoxy (Page 1 of 33)

Is more epoxy better?

Electronics Forum | Mon May 21 17:34:22 EDT 2001 | davef

Continuing the line of Michael's, the previous poster, comments ... The more Krispy Kremes, the better. Yeth!!! The more beer, the better. Yeth!!! The more epoxy, the better. Uh, I don think so!!! We look at this from a papa bear, mama bear, bab

Re: Resistive epoxy

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 29 18:48:11 EDT 1999 | Kiet Dang

Hi, Did anyone experience a problem with electrically conductive silver filled epoxy is resistive due to galvanic reaction? I'm having this problem when attaching components to Ni plated housing while conducting an experiment to cost reduction for Au

Re: bottom side epoxy

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 08 16:48:24 EDT 1999 | Charles Morris

| I recently had the opportunity to visit the vendor who is making my boards. On my trip I noticed that the guy who was in charge of the SMD placement machine (brand new Samsung) still had to manuallly place about 20%-40% of the parts after placement

Re: bottom side epoxy

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 07 09:59:01 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| I recently had the opportunity to visit the vendor who is making my boards. On my trip I noticed that the guy who was in charge of the SMD placement machine (brand new Samsung) still had to manuallly place about 20%-40% of the parts after placement

Re: reliability of epoxy

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 07 01:02:51 EDT 1998 | zeek - just wanna to get a word in here

| | I am looking for advice or information from anyone about the possible reliability problems associated with epoxy on solder pads of discrete devices. Will the epoxy expand and lift over time, Will there be adverse reaction between the solder and t

Re: Aperature opening for epoxy printing

Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 07 11:10:03 EDT 1999 | JohnW

| Could someone give recommendation on the stencil opening for printing epoxy on HAL FR4 PCB for 0805 and 0603 size chips capacitors and resisitors. | My regular stencil manufacturer recommend the following: | Thickness: 8 mils | 0805 opening: Oblong

What is the solution for removing epoxy on BGA chips?

Electronics Forum | Sun May 21 09:38:25 EDT 2006 | davef

Epoxy Removal and IC Delidding [Hardware Hacking: Have Fun While Voiding Your Warranty, Chapter 14] Encapsulation of critical components using epoxy or other adhesives is commonly done to prevent tampering and device access (the microprocessor shown

component baking process

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 20 16:15:11 EDT 2004 | davef

The activation energy for diffusion for molded with novolac, biphenyl or multifunctional epoxy mold compounds and air are not equal.

Re: Passive component shear Testing

Electronics Forum | Tue May 23 20:39:37 EDT 2000 | Dave F

Scott: Sounds like fun: � Solder joint strength in pull/shear varies with lead geometry, solder volume, lead metal/metallization, and the test method. � Among things, IPC-TM-650 talks to getting pads off-of boards. For instance: Method 2.4.8 is for

Epoxy on bottom of SMT component

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 23 07:51:25 EST 2007 | shy

Hi there, kindly help to advice me either epoxy/glue at bottom SMT component such as chip package 2012 will cause the component to be non-wetting after run reflow process?

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