Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 17 21:55:59 EDT 2024 | sarason
Possibly a non valid character in the POS file. You can check this out by viewing the file in a text editor and switching on the view invisible characters option. Also possibly that your component name is a keyword in the POS file. sarason
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 18 13:18:02 EDT 2024 | sarason
Yes the component lists contains the Feeder ID sarason
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 16 07:38:35 EDT 2008 | rway
There are seconds when it comes to components. Find out what her sources are and if she is purchasing from a reputable vendor. She may be doing what all purchasing agents do, and that is finding the best deal out there. Especially if her review de
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 18 10:59:26 EST 2007 | aj
All, apologies for dragging this thread up again but after some xray analysis it looks like there is no issue with the soldering of any components namely 2 x bga and 1 qfn device which are placed within the shielding area..but yet they fail to perfo
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 26 08:54:31 EST 2006 | Chunks
Depends on what you're kind of thru-hole you're placing. Cutting, forming and placing TO-220s are a lot different than VCD components. Can't just slap any ol' name out der!
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 18 20:08:36 EST 2002 | jonfox
Are your components not in JEDEC trays? We use Kostat trays and we can bake our parts at or up to 150C. What are your temperature requirements, and what are your parts currently being stored in or on? There are a slew of tray makers out there that
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 05 16:07:32 EST 2003 | Amol Kane
Hi, I am a Graduate student in SUNY Binghamton. I am currently working on an Odd Form Component Placement Machine Manufactured by Universal Instruments Name of the Machine is Vari-Cell II Flexible Assembly Workcell Model number 6515A This Machine ha
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 20 17:59:39 EDT 2011 | davef
inspection arrow Brady and Shercon are two brand names. People like Digi-Key and All-Spec sell them
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 27 08:08:08 EST 2019 | dontfeedphils
Just make more specific shapes/packages for these size parts and decide on a naming convention that's easy to decipher then stick with it.
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 10 11:38:15 EDT 2006 | Rob
Hi Dougs, I think I'm going to have to admit to some insider knowledge here. It kind of gave it away when you mentioned there were only catalogue pages instead of specs. http://www.anglia.com/product_search/part_tracker/index.asp I think you may