Electronics Forum: component potting (Page 1 of 22)

SMT component life spend.

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 21 08:53:25 EDT 2006 | stepheniii

Are you worried the terminations might b oxidized? Do a dip test. If you have a solder pot carefully dip one termination of the cap into the solder. And see how well it wets. If that test doesn't satify the powers that be, then you can design a more

Heat guns and component damage

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 31 15:51:04 EST 2006 | russ

Relays huh? I can tell you from previous experience that relays are not a good heat gun candidate. Did you check how long this part can withstand the 240? I do not know what the 4 setting is on a liester but it is probably well in excess of the 24

Encapsulating prior to Potting

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 25 11:37:01 EST 2015 | jasonnova

We have a customer with an assembly that will require potting using 3M DP-270. There is a component that needs to be covered with potting material but it is considerably higher than the overall potting height of the cavity. The low viscosity of the


Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 09 06:59:04 EST 2006 | slaine

apply flux then dip the component into a solder pot. this would check the wettability of the component.

Selective soldering pallets and solder balls

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 03 11:59:01 EST 2002 | slthomas

We haven't run a profile yet....probably because we're a-feared to. We can't do topside preheating here to any degree because we use an aluminum plate for aligning hundreds of top side through-hole components (pots, switches, buttons, LEDs) that te

potted components-reflow soldering

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 02 05:08:37 EST 2004 | heccles

Anybody seen problems with potted trimpots and reflow soldering - specifically poor wetting as a consequence of lead contamination from the potting compound. Regardless of reflow profile used (MIL -STD -202) cannot get a good joint formed ! If you us

potted components-reflow soldering

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 02 16:47:33 EST 2004 | davef

If you have potting compound on your solderable surfaces, you can develop reflow recipes until they are picking cotton on Antarctica and they will not take solder. You should: * Tell your buyer [customer] not to purchase parts with unsolderable lead

Does pot temperature affects quality of the solder joints?

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 02 15:26:00 EST 2017 | davef

I'd expect pot temperature to affect components and bare board performance before affecting the solder connection

Reflow solder issues with 6pin SOT's

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 09 13:15:27 EDT 2005 | davef

Initial points for investigation are: * What temperatures are you measuring on the leads that do not reflow well? [How does this match with the paste supplier's recommendation?] * Does the component take solder after being dunked in the solder pot? *

Solder Pots

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 22 12:12:01 EST 2005 | jimby

We are looking at replacing some solder pots (wave type)for pretinning components. What type are people out there using?

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