Electronics Forum: component spacing 0.381 (Page 1 of 38)

Wave soldering SMT component spacing

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 12 18:54:21 EDT 2002 | scottefiske

PTH to SMT spacing should be 80-100 thous. any closer will result in bridging. Scott

Wave soldering SMT component spacing

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 28 19:35:13 EDT 2002 | ppwlee

Hi, Does anyone have guidelines on minimum SMT component spacing for bottom sided wave soldering? I am looking for general rule of thumb in wave soldering bottom side SOTs, 0805 & 0603s. How about minimum through-hole lead to pad distance? Peter

Wave soldering SMT component spacing

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 30 16:47:56 EDT 2002 | davef

Ooops, sorry Peter. [Those pesky decimal points.] I meant to say �150-200 thou�. There is a fair amount of 'Kentucky Windage' in this due to: * Height of the component and the down-stream spacing. * Chip wave capabilities.

Wave soldering SMT component spacing

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 28 19:36:29 EDT 2002 | ppwlee

Hi, Does anyone have guidelines on minimum SMT component spacing for bottom sided wave soldering? I am looking for general rule of thumb in wave soldering bottom side SOTs, 0805 & 0603s. How about minimum through-hole lead to pad distance? Peter

Wave soldering SMT component spacing

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 29 20:01:23 EDT 2002 | davef

Many people use the same spacing [and pad designs] as they use for primary side SMT. We don�t. DOWN STREAM SMT-TO-SMT SPACING: In addition to proper orientation, components cannot be immediately upstream of terminations that are to be soldered or b

Wave soldering SMT component spacing

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 29 20:34:02 EDT 2002 | ppwlee

A gap of 150-200� between potential shadow components is enough to eliminate those problems. Dave, Can you clarify? Do you mean 0.015 to 0.02?? Peter

Component spacing guidelines

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 09 09:58:09 EDT 2013 | cyber_wolf

IPC 7351

Component spacing guidelines

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 08 16:13:21 EDT 2013 | rangarajd

Hello All, Are there any documents that list component spacing requirements in terms of DFM/ DFA. I was going through IPC website but wasn't able to find any. Thanks!

Component spacing guidelines

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 09 05:21:07 EDT 2013 | martinouk

This will usually be driven by the accuracy of your pick and place and common sense.

Min spacing for land patterns from PCB edge

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 18 12:38:39 EDT 2008 | fsw

Hi! Can anyone tell me what is the min spacing between PCB edge & land pattern to avoid cracking of components due to mechanical stresses caused while depaneling with cookie/pizza cutter. Thnx!

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