Electronics Forum: components placement per hour definitions (Page 1 of 6)

placements per hour

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 21 13:21:42 EST 2006 | Frank

Are those stick feeders made from Component Express? They look and operate very similar to their feeders.

placements per hour

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 17 14:55:36 EST 2006 | Mity-C

Jobbie, We are also not using the Mydata forks for the vibe feeders. We take a tube for the vibe component and cut a pick pocket. We use the back of the forks as stops. This has eliminated many of the pick problems from the vibes. Good Luck Chris

placements per hour

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 16 06:37:07 EST 2006 | Mity-C

Good Morning jobbie, We have several Mydata lines. We are building low volume high mix as well. Our CPH had been identified as approximately 6000-8000 CPH depending on the application of course. We do have a separate setup area however that stages a

placements per hour

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 28 12:20:31 EST 2006 | gregp

As far as I recall the Component Express is a copy of a prototype we showed around trade shows about 5 or 6 years ago. In the case of the Component Exress feeder basically you stick an air tube in the back of a stick. It is in no way comparable to

placements per hour

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 17 17:23:11 EST 2006 | grantp

Hi, One think we always hated when running MYDATA was the vib feeder, and we had no end of problems. The supplier told us most people angled the component tubes up, however then the vib settings change between when the tubes full, and mostly empty.

Fuji CP - 6 Placement per hour

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 16 22:33:52 EDT 2004 | Honorio Crespo

I will like to compare my average component placement per hour on a Fuji CP-6 versus other companies using the same machine. Can you share with me your average? Thanks, Honorio

Re: Cost per placement measure

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 13 03:38:21 EDT 1999 | Paul Gerits

Hi Morris, I work as a technical consultant, application specialist for Philips EMT (SMT machine suplier). For cost per placement complex calculation can be made. To make a easy one just to hav an idea you can use following. Information needed: Pr

Cost per component

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 28 02:03:10 EDT 2005 | Yngwie

Just to check and see if I'm using the right formula in my "cost per component placement" calculation is correct or not. Any input would be much appreciated. Total cost of the machine : A Depreciates over 5 years Actual/best UPH obtained 11000 cph

placement of 8 ml smt components

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 10 12:32:31 EDT 1998 | Tim Scully

Heeeelllllp. I am a sales rep. ( I know I know, you can't help me with that. ha ha.) Actually, I represent a company that fabricates PCBs and assembles them under the same roof. We are a small to moderate volume house that is just getting into su

Re: placement of 8 ml smt components

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 11 09:30:30 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon

| Heeeelllllp. | I am a sales rep. ( I know I know, you can't help me with that. ha ha.) Actually, I represent a company that fabricates PCBs and assembles them under the same roof. We are a small to moderate volume house that is just getting int

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