Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 18 16:41:35 EDT 2000 | Dave F
It's unrealistic to think that two materials with the following disperant properties would have the same reflow profile. From http://www.norplex.com/Carrier.htm Physical Properties / NEMA FR-4 / NEMA CEM-1 Glass transition temperature �C / 130 / 10
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 03 05:08:50 EST 2006 | Rob
Yes - as they flex less due to their size. I do have the calculations somewhere from my field apps days but it may take some time to find. The problems occuring with the X7R's MU
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 09 07:55:08 EDT 2005 | davef
This pattern indicates flex cracking due to excessive bending of the board or fixture after soldering. Ceramic is strong in compression, but weak in tension. When bending causes damaged parts, look at: * Board flexes, ceramic is strong in compressio
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 02 09:26:15 EDT 2004 | davef
Q1: How do you define torque setting for screw? A1: Talk to people at your nut supplier. Some nut suppliers post torque tables on the web. For instance: http://www.thelenchannel.com/1torque.html http://www.marfas.com/Ttorque.shtml http://www.pac
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 25 14:48:29 EDT 1999 | William
All, I am having a problem with joints being soft after SMT. Especially 25 mil and smaller parts. It seems as though you can slide the leads right off of the solder. It takes only about 30-40 oz. of compression at 45 deg. to move leads off of join
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 27 15:06:29 EDT 2001 | davef
This otta push Wolfgang over the top ... Recommended reading G.G. Harman, Wire Bonding in Microelectronics : Materials, Processes, Reliability, and Yield, 2nd edition, McGraw-Hill Electronic Packaging and Interconnection Series, 1997. G.G. Harman, R
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