Electronics Forum: conceptronics hva70 (Page 1 of 1)


Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 23 14:59:23 EDT 2024 | allenr

hi im looking for a conceptronic model hva70 oven software

5 zone reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 25 16:16:01 EST 2005 | pjc

Here are some 5 zones models to look for: Electrovert OmniFlo5 Conceptronic HVA70 BTU VIP70 Vitronics SMR or XPM 520 Heller 1088 (4 zone)

5 zone reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 01 09:32:49 EST 2005 | TDS

I have a conceptronic HVA70 in Ohio for sale. If interested please email me. scott@tritecsales.com

Convection Reflow Air Requirements

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 05 23:51:34 EDT 2002 | fastek

Sold a customer a Conceptronics HVA-70 Convection Reflow Oven recently. While performing the install I asked if compressed air was hooked up. Seems this customer ...who already had a HVA-70 convection reflow oven never used air or nitrogen with that

Need help for setting up an assembly line

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 19 22:19:40 EDT 2006 | Nathan

Dear All, We plan to setup an assembly line for our small volume production of PCBs (about couple hundred PCBs per week). The board has about 150 components (less than 30 types) and a few BGA and IC (majority is SMT, only few THT connectors). We hav


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