Electronics Forum: conceptronics reflow oven (Page 1 of 332)

Conceptronics oven reflow problems

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 07 13:17:56 EST 2004 | James

We currently have 2 HVA 102 conceptronic reflow ovens. I ran 2 profiles on the 2 seperate machines. One of the oven ran 7 degrees lower than the other oven. I checked all the fans and they seem to running fine. I get no warning on the monitors.

Conceptronics oven reflow problems

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 08 16:21:05 EST 2004 | Bill

James: The ovens can be calibrated to help get this a little closer. In the computer box are 3 cards (alike) attached to the motherboard. They are called IPS-7 cards. On these cards are 2 potentiometers to calibrate the T/Cs for the heat zones. There

Conceptronics oven reflow problems

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 08 11:06:40 EST 2004 | russ

If I read this correctly you have two identical ovens that were setup the same ie zone temps, fan speeds etc... when you ran the same board through each of them one showed a lower board temp. Is this correct? Is the temp of the board 7 deg. lower t

Conceptronics oven reflow problems

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 08 16:43:43 EST 2004 | Dean

Unless your machine (internal) thermocouples are each calibrated and compensated no two machines will deliver eactly the same results. Here are your challenges: 1. Data acquisition equipment A-D converter errors 2. PCB measurement thermocouple (t

5 zone reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 25 16:16:01 EST 2005 | pjc

Here are some 5 zones models to look for: Electrovert OmniFlo5 Conceptronic HVA70 BTU VIP70 Vitronics SMR or XPM 520 Heller 1088 (4 zone)

5 zone reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 01 09:32:49 EST 2005 | TDS

I have a conceptronic HVA70 in Ohio for sale. If interested please email me. scott@tritecsales.com

reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 11 08:55:49 EDT 2005 | greg

One more question. Is it realy worth to have reflow oven with nitrogen for lead free?. What are yours experiences? Greg

reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Mon May 24 15:50:11 EDT 2004 | Rob

hi all What do you think about soldering pb-free in reflow oven (air) lenght 1,7m (5 zones top,bottom) with max zone temp. 300C? Do you think that this process will be stable? Our max PCb dimension 260x260 mm. When i compare different oven producer t

reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 11 09:40:52 EDT 2005 | davef

You should buy an oven that actually melts the solder on your boards.

reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 12 03:43:47 EDT 2005 | Rob

.....and not the components

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