Electronics Forum: conductive via fill (Page 1 of 26)

conductive fill via

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 11 02:28:27 EST 2002 | Melvin

I want to make a double-sided PCB. the process include conductive filling via for RF guarding. Does anyone can tell me where I can do it?

conductive fill via

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 11 11:28:32 EST 2002 | davef

Sand is not a great conductor, compared to copper. Never heard of using the stuff on RF boards. Our board fabricator uses Dupont CP100, now CP101, [or something like that cuse who's going to check?] when plugging via on cheap boards. Your board fa

via tenting and pluging

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 03 07:28:27 EST 2006 | davef

Via filling methods are: * Tenting * Plugging * Capping * Flooding Tented Via. A via covered with dry film soldermask; the via is not filled. When tenting from both sides there may be issues with trapped air that expands during mass soldering. Plug

via as test point

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 26 20:02:42 EST 2001 | davef

First, I don�t understand why your board fabricator can�t do a good job plugging your vias. Additionally, when you consider that they forgot to plug the first batch of boards, it makes me wonder if they are desirable as a supplier. Generally, we us

electrically conductive adhesives

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 23 10:36:37 EST 2005 | Indy

Hi Rob, I had tried printig anisotropic conductive adhesive as a replacement for solder paste. Following were my finding. Adv: - curing temp is around 120-150C as compared to 217C (Pb-free) solder. - good electrical conductivity, since it is usual

via capping

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 11 14:48:44 EST 2010 | davef

SR1000 is commonly used for tenting. Search the fine SMTnet Archives on : tenting Someone gave us this note. We have lost their name. It seems to be good advice. If Liquid Photo Image (LPI) solder mask is required, do not tent via holes. Tenting

via under a smd pad ?

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 23 16:32:05 EST 2007 | davef

There a several things you can do to prevent the solder wicking down the hole with the current design, and that's where you should focus. Cost goes up as you go down the list, but in neither case do you need to respin the board, have solder starvatio

what's your recommended size(diameter) for via in pad

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 03 08:38:42 EDT 2004 | davef

Conductive epoxy is usually specified as less than 6:1 aspect ratio fill capable, while non-conductives are 10 to 14:1 (depends on which brand and who you ask).

BGA via in pad

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 15 13:27:45 EDT 2007 | Pete

We had a customer do a similar thing. We notified our customer and educated them on what was happening. We were instructed to try one and report on the results, as the vias were supposed to be filled (and weren't). We pasted and reflowed and as su

BGA via in pad

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 16 17:15:51 EDT 2007 | davef

Ask the board fabricator to: * Fill the vias with resin. * Then metalize and copper plate the filled via along with the pad. * Then plate with solderability protection. This results in what appears to be a solid pad. For more, look here: http://www

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