Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 27 11:35:07 EDT 2009 | davef
There are many possibilities: * Conformal coat is incompatible with surface residue on the board * Conformal coat is incompatible with solder mask on the board * Moisture is out-gassing from the board * Conformal coat is too thick and does not allow
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 22 10:12:14 EDT 2005 | davef
Common RTV does out-gas causing corrosion. NASA allows use of non/low-out-gassing RTV. Try the following companies: * Ablestik Electronic: Materials, 20021 Susana Road, Rancho Dominguez, California 90221 U.S.A., 310-764.4600, F 310-764-2545 * Arlon
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 01 08:47:07 EST 2007 | davef
NASA is concerned about outgassing in high-vacuum environments. They select materials to minimize outgassing. http://outgassing.nasa.gov/og_desc.html
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 24 05:23:18 EST 2009 | prodivegsr
Hi Davef, Thanks...Saw 1 of your thread that you posted : Thanks for providing... From davef : There are many possibilities: * Conformal coat is incompatible with surface residue on the board * Conformal coat is incompatible with solder mask on the
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 31 17:01:34 EST 2007 | rw
I'm not that concerned about the solderability of the motor. Our customer is concerned about the outgassing of the conformal coat effecting the motor brushes. Silicone will break down into SiO2 and SiC will result from a spark between the brushes a
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 26 20:17:01 EST 2004 | davef
Some temporary solder masks outgas ammonia as they cure. It's possible that the first side cured and out gassed through the grounding hole. But when the second side cured, it outgassed between the board and the coating and in so doing reacted with
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 23 16:56:03 EDT 2002 | mikestringer
Hi Marc I too have been using a fully synthetic Motor oil on Heller reflow ovens for a number of years. In our case Mobil 1 5W-50. We have a field failure problem with some 1% resistors under conformal coating where sulphates are dissolving the si
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 04 11:34:42 EDT 2002 | Bob Willis
Some additional comments from a paper may be of interest. Baking Printed Circuit Boards - Why and How Baking printed boards prior to conventional and surface mount assembly should not be necessary. Often boards are baked for historical reasons; in
Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 16 02:43:21 EST 1999 | Earl Moon
| Hello, | | We are qualifying new sources of PWB vendors. We've got the first lot of "produciton" boards in and we want to put them through the paces before turing the vendors on. | | So far, the tests I can think of performing, and that we have
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