2 conformal coating dewetting kemet caps results

Electronics Forum: conformal coating dewetting kemet caps (Page 1 of 1)

Masking of PWBs prior to conformal coat

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 21 17:46:29 EDT 2006 | SD

First of all, do not use kapton tape! It tends to cause a dewetting effect around the tape. A call to Humiseal will explain why. There's not really a blanket answer to your question.... Removing cured liquid mask can often result in a fillet ef

MELF component/solder failure

Electronics Forum | Thu May 08 10:16:17 EDT 2003 | davef

Observations are: * Center most lead of the fuse on the top right of the assembly looks like it has excellent solder flow, but this is PTH. From the amount of solder, it must have been wave or hand soldered. * Center most lead of the fuse on the bot


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