Electronics Forum: conformal coating rigid flex (Page 1 of 2)

Protecting flex during conformal coating

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 14 15:13:52 EDT 2013 | esoderberg

Does anyone have a novel idea on how to protect the flex area during conformal spray coating? Currently using Humiseal T30 on the flex but it has to be removed very carefully to insure coating stays intact on the board.

Is anyone conformal coating flex circuits?

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 01 13:57:07 EDT 2015 | circleprime

I have a customer that is requesting their flex circuit be conformally coated. Is this something that is done? Which coating would stand up to the stresses of flexing? Wouldn't that put stress on the components? Thanks! Shannon

Is anyone conformal coating flex circuits?

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 29 11:28:54 EDT 2015 | pankyb1261

How many times does it have to flex. There are acrylic conformal coatings that can be bent once to 90 degrees or so

Is anyone conformal coating flex circuits?

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 08 16:32:23 EDT 2015 | duso02

Commonly done with Parylene.

Is anyone conformal coating flex circuits?

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 24 16:39:16 EDT 2015 | cnotebaert

have done it in the past, used silicon as it will flex,, however its not the most robust material! tends to peel/flake off.

Re: Adhesion of conformal coating to plastic components

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 02 18:01:47 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon

| | | We have experienced poor adhesion of acrylic conformal coating to plastic bodied IC�s. The observed symptoms of this are a blistering or lifting of the coating at the surface of the component, although peel testing has revealed that this is no

Non wetting spots of flex PCB pads

Electronics Forum | Fri May 26 04:58:19 EDT 2023 | auriga2001

I agree with the two other replies. Left alone, it is a defect. If it's just excess adhesive or coating, you can use IPC-7711/7721 'Rework, Modification and Repair of Electronic Assemblies' for guidance on removing. Section 2.3.1 explains how to te

Conformal coating rework jumpers

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 08 11:57:58 EDT 2016 | davef

A friend in the contract coating business said: "... ask why the wire is [teflon] coated in the first place, as only the solder joints should be coated in this situation as the flexing/bending of the wires will cause the coating to crack and flake of

confomal coating help /Contract coater (for an Outdoor LED PCB)

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 02 16:45:05 EST 2009 | alexander_jw

Looking for a clear conformal coating that can protect a PCB outdoors in Southern CA. Board is 24" x .25" x .03125. Require product to withstand some flexing during installation because of its very thin profile. Must hold up to environment for 10yrs+

Conformal Coating Flexible PCBs

Electronics Forum | Thu May 09 08:03:07 EDT 2019 | SMTA-Joe

Hello SMTA, We have some flex board assemblies that will require conformal coating. Coating rigid boards is nothing new, but this will be our first with flex. Are there any challenges associated with coating flex PCBs? on this particular assembly

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