Electronics Forum: conformal curing oven (Page 1 of 46)

Need suggestions on conformal coat curing oven

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 13 23:27:34 EDT 1999 | Mike Flori

I need to cure conformal coat on a 19" x 15" board. The material needs 7 - 10 minutes at 100deg C, but I have limited floorspace so I'm looking for an oven with about 36 inches heated length and 18 or more inch wide belt. The material we are consider

Re: Need suggestions on conformal coat curing oven

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 14 17:13:08 EDT 1999 | Stephen Oltmann

| I need to cure conformal coat on a 19" x 15" board. The material needs 7 - 10 minutes at 100deg C, but I have limited floorspace so I'm looking for an oven with about 36 inches heated length and 18 or more inch wide belt. The material we are consid

Re: Need suggestions on conformal coat curing oven

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 14 17:14:49 EDT 1999 | Stephen Oltmann

Check with BTU. They have dryers in the length you need. Good luck! | | I need to cure conformal coat on a 19" x 15" board. The material needs 7 - 10 minutes at 100deg C, but I have limited floorspace so I'm looking for an oven with about 36 inches

Re: Need suggestions on conformal coat curing oven

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 14 20:39:02 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| I need to cure conformal coat on a 19" x 15" board. The material needs 7 - 10 minutes at 100deg C, but I have limited floorspace so I'm looking for an oven with about 36 inches heated length and 18 or more inch wide belt. The material we are consid

Re: Need suggestions on conformal coat curing oven

Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 17 11:56:04 EDT 1999 | Graham Naisbitt

Mike First, you MUST make sure the oven used is extracted. The coating will contain TDI. This is not nice. You would be better considering a silicone solventless. Try contacting HumiSeal. They had a material on the TAC line at Nepcon West that lo

Batch conformal coating curing oven??

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 28 12:25:13 EDT 2009 | vleasher

Could someone point me in the direction of some good manufactures of batch style curing ovens? We have a new project requiring Humiseal 2A64 and we do not have an oven for the 3hrs @ 170F cure. Thanks in advance!

Batch conformal coating curing oven??

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 28 15:36:29 EDT 2009 | davef

While you're waiting for others to reply, search the fine SMTnet Archives to find threads like: http://www.smtnet.com/Forums/Index.cfm?CFApp=1&Message_ID=56260

curing methode adhesive glue

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 04 02:46:39 EDT 2000 | George Verboven

We are looking for a way to cure conductive adhesive. I heard about curing times from 2 hours and more. But I also received information that curing can be done in 10 minutes at 120 C. Of course it also depends from the type of glue. But the question

Re: curing methode adhesive glue

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 05 22:42:28 EDT 2000 | Dave F

George: I would think so. We use an old Vitronics (822??) IR reflow oven to clue SMT adhesives. Gp get 'em!!! Dave F

AVR80 BA conformal coating

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 04 09:07:01 EST 2015 | edmaya33

Hi All; Anybody here have experience in AVR80 BA DS65 CC process? I have an issue with the curing process at 28 degC RT. Can somebody recommend how to accelarate the curing without IR oven? thanks

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