Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 25 15:16:16 EDT 2014 | yuran111
machine controller BIOS loads only cyclically until pressed reset button on it - now checks the configuration and loading tasks load. hard drive I can take from the controller Siemens s27 example? motherboard came from s27 machine, and the same softw
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 23 15:14:11 EST 2009 | bking
I recently had to change pc's because of a crash, I can't get the flexa exporter to work, it keeps coming up with the following error: Converting CAD file Error [L: 0 C: 0] Failed to acquire API library file "FlexaUnicamFxToolkitProxy.dll". Mes
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 07 12:50:51 EDT 2016 | padawanlinuxero
Hello guys I am back! Guys I have a problem with the laser marker here, we use the laser to mark a 2D barcode on the pcbs for traceability, but for some reason since yesterday every time it tries to connect to the database to get the serial codes an
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 28 03:58:52 EDT 2022 | erici
We are having problems with our Siemens Siplace S27 machine. The machine is giving the error - Y-axis Faulty initialization of Motor. We replaced the Y motor card and swapped also the servo control cards on the two gantries. Still will not initiali
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 06 21:07:36 EST 2021 | victorzubashev
Hi, you have flickering that affects all AC power in the machine (PC is also connected to the AC line (after step down transformer)), correct? Do you intermittently/randomly lose power in all machines units(MC/PS/Servo)? If I understood you correctly
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 19 07:21:07 EST 2007 | meritajs
Thank all for your advices. But we had sistem error,which was connected,how we could undestand with failure main PC controller boards.We had swoped winchester memory block and Zevatech operation was restored Best regards Peter
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 07 18:09:55 EDT 2015 | bnorton
The power distribution board has 10 green LEDs on. By the time of the error SysFail is still on. Logicomm connected to the Force board COMM2 shows a stream of messages saying "Lantern system not active. Heart Beat = 0"
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 23 15:19:49 EST 2005 | Dilbert
I don't work on quads but I can give you some things to look for... Each of the moving axis work off a motor that is controlled by a "drive". Some of these drives have a fault or error output that is connected to the motion controller. One of your
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 22 11:30:47 EDT 2019 | rgduval
It's a motor controller card error. I'm not completely sure, but, it seems like something in the x. Swap MOT1 with MOT2 or 3, and see if the error moves. If it does, you have a bad MOT card. If it doesn't, you have something going on with a motor
Electronics Forum | Fri May 24 11:34:08 EDT 2019 | jstebbs89
Running a Mydata 15E and in the middle of a board the machine will freeze. Restart the machine and try to initiate the hardware, get an error message of F-MOT-MSETDYN X/163: Illegal value of DSP command arguement I've check all the connections on t