Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 10 16:02:04 EDT 2008 | brulal1
Hi,we are looking to use Press fit connector on our PCB assemblies. Did anyone out there have any issue with press fit connector? Thank Bruno
Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 19 04:18:17 EDT 2019 | SMTA-Davandran
Dear Dave, Thank you for your advice on this issue. Shall butt connector withstand high mechanical strength after increase paste volume.
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 06 22:00:51 EDT 2005 | mrtom
I've delt with NexLev issues in the past. Contact me off line and I can share details. email= freemr_t@yahoo.com
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 08 05:40:54 EST 2019 | leeg
We place these on a few boards and have no issues with reflow or warpage. How thick is your PCB?
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 28 05:41:22 EDT 2005 | K
Hi guys, Have any of you encountered harwin connector M80-647 in the past? Have you noticed any problems with the reliability of the component, solderability and 'reworkability' (thats a new word for sure)? Heres a PDF of the component; http://www.
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 12 13:37:22 EST 2003 | dwanzek
I need some input on what good solder thieves dimensions should be. I am limited to solving my bridging problem with solder thieves; all process/wave variables have been adjusted to try to solve this problem. There are several of these connectors on
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 29 19:48:03 EST 2001 | davef
Sounds like the connector is not solderable. * Do they take solder when hand soldering? * Do they take solder when using a hotter flux than you normally use? * What flux are you using? * What are the materials used in fabricating these connector le
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 29 16:34:02 EST 2001 | patcope1
I have a custom connector that tends to lift during reflow. The PCB retention tabs and pins are lifting off of the pads on the board and the solder is forming underneath the pads, with no heel or toe filet. Is there anyone out there that can help if
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 13 21:53:44 EST 2022 | mihai_voivod
Thank you for your response. I watched your video and I liked the solder ball rework method. However this is not related to the issue I'm experiencing or the way I intend to fix it.
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 04 17:08:34 EST 2022 | tey422
I used to work with boards with similar parts like it. There are two key things to do to reflow it. 1st is to have extra solder, which by adding solder beads using pick & place machine to place on top of the solder paste. 2nd is to have the using th