Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 04 22:48:13 EDT 2013 | winson16
SMT fine pitch connector having oxidation on lead and P&P machine keep rejecting the part. Is there any alternative way to reduce the part throw out rate without jeopardize the placement accuracy? Or is it possible to re-coat the connector lead or an
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 05 23:32:29 EDT 2013 | winson16
This connector was designed with gold flash plating and the lead's surface was become dull and some black mark was observed on the contact surface.
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 05 22:01:55 EDT 2013 | davef
Questions are: * How did you determine that the coating on your component leads is oxidation? * What is the oxide? BR, davef
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 06 07:40:02 EDT 2013 | spoiltforchoice
gold, one of the stablest elements on the periodic table oxidising. Are you sure, and why would you want to reduce the vision fail rate on a part that is clearly shockingly poor?
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 23 14:26:27 EDT 2013 | joekirin
On machines such as MyDatas you have the ability to mechanically center parts rather than optically centering. If your machine is capable of doing mechanical centering that would eliminate the need for the vision analysis. -Joe
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 26 02:15:32 EDT 2013 | winson16
Thanks Joe. I will check through this with machine supplier to understand what's their machine's ability of doing this.
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 24 04:14:25 EDT 2013 | winson16
Hi Joe, first of all thanks for your input. I did tried to search for the Mydata brochure and found that they are using Lifescan Vision System (LVS) which i think should be vision analysis. Appreciate if you can explain more in detail how's the mecha
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 06 14:03:18 EDT 2013 | horchak
If you are a CEM you are setting yourself up for failure and will be left holding the bag. Flash gold has one purpose. It is a protective coating for the base medal to keep it from oxidizing. It is very thin and will be absorbed into the solder joint
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 20 01:39:21 EDT 2013 | winson16
gold, one of the stablest elements on the > periodic table oxidising. Are you sure, and why > would you want to reduce the vision fail rate on > a part that is clearly shockingly poor? Old inventory is holding a huge material cost and if i can f
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 24 08:33:39 EDT 2013 | joekirin
The mechanical centering is used for testing resistors, caps, and other various components. It is also used to center parts by "tapping" them with a set of jaws. When the head picks up the component, it is between these jaws. Each part is setup to