Electronics Forum: connector lead dewetting (Page 1 of 46)

Help with dewetting

Electronics Forum | Tue May 25 13:03:35 EDT 2010 | jdumont

Hello, I have no experience with CE-1155 but a ton with 1B73. I would say Justin hit it right on the head. 1B73 does not like to be anywhere near silicone residues. We make sure the boards are handled with gloves after wash, before coat. Unfortunat

0402 tombstoning and dewetting on QFP256 trade-off

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 12 06:37:48 EDT 2009 | gregoryyork

I agree you are too cold for the profile get it up to 230C and possibly allow it to dwell a little longer in preheat as opposed to pushing up the reflow zone only. Sn90/Pb10 melts at 220C so 2C hotter than your profile so you are reliant on it alloyi

Butt connector

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 19 08:28:04 EDT 2019 | davef

Hi Davandran ... Butt leads are not intended for high mechanical strength applications. That's why butt leads are not allowed in Class 3 products. If you want to be sure that your butt leaded component stays on the board, just glue it after solderin

leadfree connector

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 16 09:03:48 EDT 2004 | davef

Here is a thread from the fine SMTnet Archives from a couple of weeks ago, where we spoke about the topic of mixed lead-free solder with components that have lead-bearing solderability protection: http://www.smtnet.com/forums/Index.cfm?CFApp=1&Messag

Butt connector

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 15 17:54:08 EDT 2019 | davef

From J-STD-001: Components designed for pin-in-hole application and modified for butt connection attachment, or stiff-leaded dual-inline packages (e.g., alloy 42, brazed or tempered leads) may be modified for use on Class 1 and 2 products but shall n

leadfree connector

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 15 17:54:28 EDT 2004 | JJ

Hi, there Any idea if leadfree through hole connector can be used in standard leaded process? If not, why ? Thanks

Butt connector

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 15 09:52:38 EDT 2019 | SMTA-Davandran

I seeing connector with butt (I) lead drop off after drop test conducted. the current shear force is about 3kgf. How can this problem improved.

leadfree connector

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 15 18:09:49 EDT 2004 | teamcanada

No lead devices oxidize very quickly when washed. Try to keep it a no clean process. Solderability comes into play a bit depending on solder paste.

pressfit connector

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 04 08:24:31 EST 2000 | vinceh

We are to use a special pressfit connector. Indeed, one side of the connector is overmoulded in a housing, and the other side will be pressfitted on a board. We would like to know: 1) Are such applications yet existing ? 2) What are the type of inser

SMT fine picth connector lead oxidize-Throw out rate too high!

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 04 22:48:13 EDT 2013 | winson16

SMT fine pitch connector having oxidation on lead and P&P machine keep rejecting the part. Is there any alternative way to reduce the part throw out rate without jeopardize the placement accuracy? Or is it possible to re-coat the connector lead or an

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