Electronics Forum: consideration (Page 1 of 56)

Solder paste consideration for quotation

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 10 13:45:30 EDT 2013 | pankajp

Hi, Generally how much is solder paste cost consideration in overall quotation. i could gather from the threads on this forum, that solder paste (or raw material) cost in SMT is almost negligible compared to other direct and indirect cost. Is my u

Solder paste consideration for quotation

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 10 14:25:04 EDT 2013 | pankajp

thanks ben. any ball park number for weight of solder paste per pad? ( i understand this will be dependent on AREA of pad, but a rough estimate is good enough for me). -Pankaj

Solder paste consideration for quotation

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 10 15:35:08 EDT 2013 | rgduval

In general, I've always considered solder paste a part of the overhead costs, along with wire solder, and other consumables utilized on the shop floor. It's a part of the cost of the assembly, but, I don't calculate it directly as a part of quotin

Solder paste consideration for quotation

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 10 14:20:52 EDT 2013 | benreben

the solde paste is not negligible in the quotation of a project. personally have make this: -i weight a board without solder paste(with precise material) -i screen the board with solder paste and i weight the board i divide the weight by the numbe

Depaneling method

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 14 22:11:42 EDT 2016 | davef

Enough pluses and minuses to get things started are: * Mouse bites (+) boards can be irregularly shaped, no board redesign (-) no one knows how to seperate the things, requires layout consideration * Singulation (+) boards can be irregularly shaped (

Metal squeegees

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 05 19:47:06 EDT 2005 | AA

We want to transition into metal squeegees. What are the considerations during this transition?

Gerber Data Drill Holes

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 15 04:54:18 EST 2006 | Rob

Have you taken the plating thickness into consideration as this will happen after the drilling?

ESD considerations during Conformal Coating?

Electronics Forum | Fri May 29 06:56:11 EDT 2009 | davef

esd "conformal coating"

ESD considerations during Conformal Coating?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 01 11:31:22 EDT 2009 | operator

shorting strip?

QFN shape on Fuji Flexa for CP6

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 10 16:54:30 EDT 2010 | dcell_1t

Thanks for the replies!! We reduced the speed as you commented and yes, the accuracy improved considerably.

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