Electronics Forum: consulted (Page 1 of 42)

SMT Process Engineering Consulting Rates

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 03 09:06:47 EDT 2008 | lococost

In conclusion: you need to pay more then $20/h to get good consulting

SMT process consultants

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 10 07:21:47 EDT 2001 | roland

Ken, A pretty decent list of consultants can be found at: http://www.astm.org/consultants/NEW/subjectarea.html . I hope this helps! Roland

SMT process consultants

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 10 09:00:21 EDT 2001 | davef

Two things: * There's a list of consultants on the IPC site [www.ipc.org] that pledge to uphold a code of ethics. * Many equipment installation "consultants" work for placement equipment supplier groups that offer installation services to their custo

Solder cream

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 07 07:36:19 EDT 2004 | pjc

consult with the solderpaste mfr.

Re: PCB failure analysis lab

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 30 16:53:57 EST 1999 | Dave F

Bob: consider two thing: 1 Most board fabs have PCB sectioning capabilities 2 Consultants Council Matrix (http://www.ipc.org/html/fsresources.htm) lists consultants that may be able to help you. Ta Dave F

smt basics

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 29 07:21:00 EDT 2004 | Claude_Couture

Depends how much money you have in your budget. You have to break down your assembly into the different components and figure out what can be done by machine and what can't. Then search for machine that can do the jobs. There are consultant firms tha

wearing of cotton gloves in production

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 07 07:47:53 EDT 2006 | Chim Richalds

Years ago we hired a consultant who helped try to resolve our high solder defect rates. He recommended the use of finger cots - $50,000 in consulting fees later, we still had the same defects.

0201 feeders

Electronics Forum | Wed May 17 17:27:58 EDT 2006 | smt_guru

My consultancy firm will perform a process capability analysis on your 0201 feeder performance characteristics. We will leverage and integrate various feeder designs utilizing electro-mechancial design modeling and simulation. Please consult us in

SMT Process Engineering Consulting Rates

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 02 12:48:16 EDT 2008 | bandjwet

I am trying to do a "sanity check" on an SMT hourly consulting rates. The work requires expertise in SMT process, IPC inspection guidelines and as well as hand assembly. The work would be performed in China but needs to be performed by an American.

SMT Process Engineering Consulting Rates

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 03 07:53:22 EDT 2008 | wavemasterlarry

sorry I confused you Fastekk. sometimes us consultants think on a much higher plain than regular folk and my explainations and words tend to confuse people.

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