Electronics Forum: contact goldfinger (Page 1 of 1)

Darn-left out contact info on the goldinger gloves

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 03 08:23:37 EDT 1998 | smd

Stevens Products (supposedly around since 1937) 128 N. Park St. E. Orange, NJ 07019 Tel 973-672-2140 Contact: Ross Stevens, Jr. They'll take a PO but terms are net 30 Right now we are taping the goldfingers which is | effective but also expensive. A

Boards with damaged goldfingers

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 27 11:33:45 EST 2001 | sim_ad

I have some boards here that were damaged by solder on the goldfingers. Is there a place I can contact to repaire them? Please advise. Simon

Goldfinger protection

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 02 17:47:21 EST 2004 | gpaelmo

Yes, We have done away with masking with kapton 8 yrs ago. As long as the goldfingers are leading edge you can use one of these: 1. rubber goldfinger boot/glove - contact east use to carry them...don't know if they still do. 2. fiberglass glove - ma

Re: Tape and shunts are good ideas for WS *BUT*...

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 03 08:29:24 EDT 1998 | Dave F

SMD: Sounds interesting. What is the contact information on Steve? Dave F | Right now we are taping the goldfingers which is | effective but also expensive. Also, some tape was leaving yellow marks on the goldfingers. We're trying the so-called go

Tape and shunts are good ideas for WS *BUT*...

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 28 07:02:59 EDT 1998 | smd

Right now we are taping the goldfingers which is effective but also expensive. Also, some tape was leaving yellow marks on the goldfingers. We're trying the so-called goldfinger glove from Steven's Products. It's a very small company (probably one gu

Re: Solder on gold finger

Electronics Forum | Sun Jul 26 22:35:55 EDT 1998 | D.Lange

Masdi, Try board shunts. They are hi-temp rubber strips with grooves cut. They can be popped on and off with ease and are much faster than taping and considerably cheaper. They also work great for masking goldfingers prior to wave soldering. Contac


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