Electronics Forum | Sun May 06 15:44:44 EDT 2001 | surteess
Can someone point me in the right direction (with a standard) as to how much gold you should specify for spring contacts - there is a huge variation available in thickness (and price!!). thanks Steve
Electronics Forum | Tue May 29 15:00:15 EDT 2001 | surteess
Sorry guys but you missed the point - I am looking at thicknesses for SPRING contacts - such as the ones used in the telephone plugs that fit into the wall socket, I cannot find a telecom standard - hence thought some PCBers might be able to shine a
Electronics Forum | Mon May 07 17:17:09 EDT 2001 | davef
500 insertions � 50 m gold => 300 insertions � 30 m gold => 50 to 75 insertions � 20 m gold => 10 insertions.
Electronics Forum | Mon May 14 20:35:06 EDT 2001 | davef
You're correct. The units should be micro inches. By the by, this gold always should be a hard gold (99.96%-99.97% pure) with a Knoop hardness range of 130 to 200 (optimum 170).
Electronics Forum | Tue May 22 18:21:15 EDT 2001 | davef
Again not quite what your looking for, but close, consider IPC-2221, Generic Standard On Printed Board Design, Para. 4.4.4 for minimum requirements for edge board connectors, as a baseline.
Electronics Forum | Mon May 14 18:31:20 EDT 2001 | genny
The experiment was to determine insertions from a > gold plated board into a connector. Same > thickness boards (0.062"), with 100 m base > nickel. � 100m gold =_ 500 insertions � 50 m > gold =_ 300 insertions � 30 m gold =_ 50 to 75 > insertio
Electronics Forum | Wed May 30 10:27:52 EDT 2001 | genny
I couldn't find that standard free on the IPC website and was looking for a quicker answer (hang my head in shame...) Sometimes my company's a little frugal, and to get them to buy a standard can be like pulling hen's teeth... I will see what I can
Electronics Forum | Tue May 29 20:22:19 EDT 2001 | davef
Well, no fault with your calculations from here. They appear to be correct. [Logic doesn't appear to be off to far off base, either. An epiphany, eh?] As mentioned in an earlier posting on this thread, consider following the recommendations of IP
Electronics Forum | Tue May 29 20:26:38 EDT 2001 | davef
I never heard anyone say anything about looking for telecom wear surface spec, what point did I miss? Have you contacted the folk at old Bell Labs [http://www.bell-labs.com Er, whatever they're called now a days?] From a different perspective, we
Electronics Forum | Tue May 29 12:35:36 EDT 2001 | genny
Dave, Sorry to drag this out some more. When I saw this thread I realized that we often get PWB's fabricated with a gold plated edge connector tab. However we have not ever given any specs to the fabricator regarding the gold plating - all we say i