Electronics Forum: contained[0] (Page 1 of 1)

Backward compatibility in LF solder pot

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 25 17:24:25 EDT 2005 | Kris

0.2% lead will make your solder non compliant with RoHS when you move to a completely RoHS compliant BOM. Check with your bar vendor how much it will take to convert a pot containing 0.2% lead to

alignment requirements for 0.5mm pitch

Electronics Forum | Sun May 05 08:13:14 EDT 2002 | andysi

I am curreently in my final year of my HNC Mechatronics course. In the project section I am reviewing several screen printers for their suitability to run a new product containing 0.5mm pitch components. I would be interested in anyones opinion in

Leadfree Trials

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 07 04:28:26 EDT 2005 | Slaine

were looking at paste, wire, preforms and solder bars (for solder pots), concentraiting on HMP, sn62,96S, and 2 different sac alloys, we also have 7 different fluxes and 16 temination inks (which were also having to change for RoHS because the ink co


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