Electronics Forum: contamination (Page 1 of 154)

Board contamination

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 13 21:02:37 EDT 2000 | Mario Carluccio

Can anyone advise me what are the types of contaminants which can be present on a printed circuit board at the very beginning of a SMT line. Of these contaminants, are any of them detrimental to the SMT process (i.e. label application, or solder pas

green contamination

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 26 19:18:49 EST 2005 | arnold

I would to ask on what do you call on the color green contamination found on the soldered units. Whe i soldered some units after few days there was a color green on the wires. what do you call on this contamination?

Solder contamination

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 30 06:57:56 EDT 2007 | simonalden

Hi we are currently experiencing a problem with solder contamination of the gold contact pads on our pcbs following the reflow process, possibly through sputtering. We have been advise that this can be caused due to the pcbs being humid or due to th

lead contamination

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 10 00:55:07 EDT 2015 | m_imtiaz


lead contamination

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 06 07:37:01 EDT 2015 | m_imtiaz

can we use same reflow oven for lead free and leaded solder paste, is there any chance of lead contamination in lead-free products.

green contamination

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 26 23:21:11 EST 2005 | arnold

i want to know the terminology called on that corrosion.

green contamination

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 03 07:14:18 EST 2006 | Slaine

verdegree is the term used relaited to copper roofs turning green if its any help???

green contamination

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 03 08:24:22 EST 2006 | davef

Look here: http://webexhibits.org/pigments/indiv/overview/verdigris.html

green contamination

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 06 09:22:23 EST 2006 | sarar

Here's an article our lab has published about green contamination - http://www.residues.com/pdfs/foresite_green.pdf If you are concerned with finding out just what is there and what the cause is, I would agree with davef that it would be helpful for

PCB contamination

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 09 16:31:49 EDT 2013 | alfredodsanchez

Hello everyone! I have a problem with PCB, we detect that some contamiation apear (dark spots similar to glue or underfill) we detect that this element is Policarbonate. I don't know if on PCB fabrication process some policarbonate are used. We alr

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