Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 02 00:22:44 EDT 2017 | ermani9
I have Solder Paste Inspection Machine of TRI make, which accepts the SMT pads CAD data in the .lst, .aoi, .srf or .asc formats only. Can any body suggest how to convert my existing data in .gbr or .gbx into the above reqd. formats. Pl suggest. Tha
Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 03 10:05:36 EDT 2017 | unisoft
Hi Unisoft's ProntoGERBER-CONNECTION should help you. ( http://www.unisoft-cim.com/gerber_connection.htm ) -------------- ProntoGERBER-CONNECTION ( http://www.unisoft-cim.com/gerber_connection.htm ) imports raw Gerber data and allows the user to ad
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 03 18:01:39 EST 1999 | Dave F
Chris, Two points of perspective are: 1 Solderability: The shelf life of components has elapsed when they are no longer solderable. There's tons of variables that affect this, but keys are: * Intermetalics grow as a function of temperature. * Th
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 02 16:30:42 EDT 2000 | Michael Parker
I found a reference to Cost of Conversion earlier this year. Basically, the average cost to convert a single component from raw materials to assembled goods is $.08, just after pick and place. After placement and before reflow, repair (solder paste r
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