Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 19 10:15:24 EST 2003 | haviland
Bill--Good morning. We have several decline conveyors w/ conductive black belt Plus cool down units w/ banks of (8) fans. I believe the belt widths are 18". Would that work? Everything is in Illinois. Thanks, Nick Haviland, Electronic Assembly Machin
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 11 15:21:51 EST 2012 | pr
Can anyone recommend fans to put on the conveyors post reflow? Thank you, PR
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 16 22:18:35 EDT 2005 | davef
Cooling may require muff fans positioned over that output conveyor of the oven.
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 07 05:15:45 EDT 2005 | blueflag
Help Please could anyone advise when we run shutdown after 45 mins it should shut off . But we are still left with conveyor running also fans . regards Colin
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 22 06:30:59 EDT 2011 | janz
very often toes on the QFP packages are exposed to base material and during time they oxidize. That is why you can have problem with solder fillet. Most important is heel fillet. Regarding your misalignment of IC if this is repeatable check your pl
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 23 09:44:43 EDT 1998 | Chrys
| We've got a continous flow cooling problem from our wave solder process into ICT. Our current configuration is a flatbelt conveyor into a manual de-pallet process, operator then places on to an edge conveyor. We've tried muffin fans, look good bu
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 04 12:49:56 EST 2004 | haviland
Good morning. We have available several decline and several flat bed belt style exit conveyors, including a couple w/ cool down fans above the belt, e.g., a Kanetic48" OAL w/ 18" wide belt plus (8) fans priced at $1,000.00 FOB IL.
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 22 06:59:45 EDT 2000 | jackofalltrades
For several years now we have been using a short (4 feet) conveyor with brush wheels and a simple box fan mounted under it (blowing up) to cool the product.
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 08 10:25:00 EST 1999 | John Thorup
Hi Ken Given the small mass of the dot I'm guessing that the adhesive is being flash cured by the heat of the board and the resulting semi-solid is unable to release from the nozzle like a liquid thereby causing your strings. Placing components on c
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 08 18:40:39 EST 1999 | shane.M
We encounter a similar problem, whereby stringing becomes a real problem when board temperatures are raised. We tried slightly larger dots, but this did nothing more than block the nozzles of the pick & place machine. You basically have only two opt