Electronics Forum: conveyor jot pulsing (Page 1 of 5)

spareparts to JOT conveyor

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 20 04:42:34 EST 2006 | magnus_y_carlsson

Does anyone know where i can buy spareparts to JOT conveyors?

Inline SMT brand conveyor

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 14 08:14:36 EDT 2010 | rway

We use both Panasonic and JOT. JOTs are a good conveyor. The Panasonics will probably cost you less. Check the used equipment market. That's where we got all of ours and I haven't had any issues with any of them except the normal where and tear o

JOT conveyor spares

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 02 10:50:24 EDT 2015 | fnorradd

Hi All, Does anyone have any companies where I can purchase all the spares for JOT conveyors. Bearings, belts, motors, etc. Any feedback much appreciated.

Jot J204-50.4/12 conveyor

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 11 14:10:55 EDT 2024 | jsmith01

Would anyone have a manual/schematics for a Jot J204-50.4/12 conveyor? Thank you

JOT conveyor spares

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 03 11:19:33 EDT 2015 | davef

You might find your equipment want here: http://www.smtnet.com/parts/

L type conveyor

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 10 14:27:57 EDT 2005 | pjc

Go here for JOT Automation: http://www.elektrobit.com/index.php?1415 Here are some more board handling suppliers: http://www.dynapace.com/ http://www.nutek-sg.com/

spareparts to JOT conveyor

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 20 11:08:17 EST 2006 | Chunks

Spare parts? Like what? If it's your belt motor, try cleaning out the gear box attached to it. 99% of the time it's the lube in this gear box that dries out and turns to glue.

splicing conveyor belting

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 06 18:24:34 EDT 2003 | pjc

what type of belt is it and what material is it? round belt, flat belt, etc... if its from a PCB transport conveyor or other PCB handling system, I recommend you contact the OEM. I have spliced belts before- rubber round belt off old Fuji loader and

L type conveyor

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 10 11:32:04 EDT 2005 | davef

Conveyor equipment suppliers are: * FlexLink Systems, Inc.; 6580 Snowdrift Rd; Allentown PA 18106; 610 973-8230 F 610-973-8345 http://www.flexlink.com * JOT Automation Inc.; 1201 S. Beltline Rd.; Coppell TX 75019; 972 393-5564 Fax 972-745-9013 http:

Jot Automation inspection conveyor failure

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 21 13:49:06 EDT 2008 | ccouture

How does the conveyor know if a board is good or bad?

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