Electronics Forum: conveyor technologies 1 meter inspect conveyor (Page 1 of 13)

Inline SMT brand conveyor

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 04 10:24:51 EDT 2010 | jdumont

Anyone have any experience with them? Looking for a 1 or .5 meter conveyor and possibly a loader. Good prices for new equip, wondering if there is a reason why?

Omniflo 5 conveyor

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 24 08:10:12 EST 2006 | mapell

Hi AR Nice job on the chain/rail cleaning. I would contact Speedline Electrovert tech support, 800.737.8110 to assist in trouble shooting. They can walk you through using a meter to measure input and output current to the SC card and make sure tha

Inline SMT brand conveyor

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 02 15:57:20 EDT 2010 | g2garyg2

Anyone have any experience with them? Looking > for a 1 or .5 meter conveyor and possibly a > loader. Good prices for new equip, wondering if > there is a reason why? PROMATION has the best price on new 1M and 600 mm conveyors. They are often

Omniflow 7 conveyor

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 15 15:18:13 EST 2007 | jaimebc

We have an oMniflow 7 as well, and looking at the calibration procedure, it indicates that turning the pots ( total of 5 pots. 4 on the lower board and one on the upper board )fully counter-clockwise is the FIRST step of a series of tests. Then you w

Inline SMT brand conveyor

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 30 08:01:28 EST 2010 | edmaya33

Conveyor Technologies may be the solution.We've been using this for 10 years and come up with the various sizes and configuration that suits your needs. Being a less maintenace is an added factor.

Universal conveyor help

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 20 19:23:18 EDT 2011 | eadthem

As far as the buttons go, White = pause for inspection when depressed, lit when active Green = pass after inspection when lit you need to press the button, when flashing its waiting for the upline machine, Yellow/orange = when flashing indicates

Bosch Edge Pro conveyor

Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 11 16:40:04 EDT 2012 | johnyq

We have a Bosch Edge Pro inspection conveyor. We are trying to get information about it. Is Bosch still in the conveyor business. Does anyone know how to contact them? Thanks.

Change cyberoptics conveyor direction

Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 24 01:49:19 EST 2024 | poly

I originally assumed the rail calibration required a cal kit but you can use any board. So I can calibrate when I have it set to right to left and everything works correctly. If I change it to left to right by running the settings program, then atte

Jot Automation inspection conveyor failure

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 21 08:06:15 EDT 2008 | maheshbs

I have problem in Jot Automation inspection conveyor. The Problem is that the Good board has to go in down side conveyor & Bad board has to go in upside for rejection or rework. It is unable to separate the good & bad boards. Kindly refer the attachm

Jot Automation inspection conveyor failure

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 22 01:14:04 EDT 2008 | maheshbs

Conveyor is installed after AOI machine. After inspecting the board in AOI it sends the signal to the conveyor whether it is Good board or Bad board.

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