Electronics Forum: conveyor technologies transfer unit (Page 1 of 2)

Philips Topaz - conveyor motor doesn't work

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 31 15:21:04 EDT 2015 | zombee

Dear Users! I have a Topaz pick&place machine, but the conveyor motor is not working. 1st test - production: Start production in "operation" menu: if I put the PCB the entrace of machine, the assembly head-bank picks up the first 8 components (prec

When are conveyors required

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 24 12:03:10 EDT 2013 | rway

I agree with JDengler. It is easier to service a machine if there are conveyors between them. You need to also consider how the units get transferred, SMEMA signaling or some other method. Some equipment doesn't support this and an output conveyor

SUNSDA Board loader

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 14 17:49:36 EDT 2010 | g2garyg2

The problem with the Sunsda units is that they use a special circuit board, not PLC and Chinese software for programming, so getting into the program to find out what is going on is a problem. Have you replaced the SMEMA cable? I have seen bad ones.

Process Control Technologies Board Loader Info

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 27 12:03:00 EDT 2003 | haviland

Hi David--Call Terry Jeglum @ Electronic Technologies, (630) 584-2050. He is up to speed on all the conveyor guys alive and dead. He also has some used units available. Nick Haviland.

DEK 265 Horizon

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 21 13:50:26 EST 2019 | s197seth

I am trying to do a Pass Through and the DEK wont send the board to the Conveyor and it says its waiting for downline transfer even when the SMEMAs are tripped. and on the Multi - Interface Unit, the light next to downline ready is not on. Any help?

YTV-2000 AOI

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 22 18:22:36 EDT 2011 | garym4569

We have a inline YesTech YTV-2000 in a newly configured SMT line and having issues with the transfer system. Shortly after the unit is put in run mode, the conveyor will turn on and run as if it is attempting to load a pcb even though no pcb availab

Lead Free ...

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 30 23:27:16 EDT 2004 | KEN

I worked for a US leading edge technology company to develop smt and wave solder processes to be transfered to their Tiawan CM. Its not 400K units per year, but800K per month! And yes, your right, no one wants to give away the magic lead free proce

Aqueous Cleaning Systems

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 06 13:57:01 EST 2003 | D. Brian Davis

I need some feedback on aqueous cleaners. We currently use a Unit Design batch cleaner. We will be looking to upgrade our board washing process and batch sizes in the near future. I am looking for user info. on the advantages/disadvantages to using b

Reverse Spike

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 17 09:38:28 EDT 2006 | pjc

Having the last two zones at the reflow temp (spike) is typically done on long ovens (10 zone) running at high conveyor speeds. This enables you to achieve peak temp and TAL as per the solderpaste specs at high production rates. Concerning reverse sp

Re: BGAs and vapor phase

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 19 11:50:47 EDT 1999 | Mario

| | Hi, SMTASSY | | that�s what we do, soldering our double-sided-finepitch-BGA-and all-the-other-stuff-boards in vapourphase because it�s the only thing we have. | First, we do not do real series produktion, only prototyping up to sometimes 20 uni

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