Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 23 10:35:46 EST 2004 | Primus
That one is too obvious. Also shows a twinge of irritation. Somewhat too serious. I like my creative answer better. But in the end does it really matter? I just call it "cooked." We cook boards. 'Nuff said.
Electronics Forum | Thu May 20 16:00:12 EDT 2004 | mrmaint
Doug, If you are worried about cooking the board. Take a know profile and either reduce the heat in each zone or increase the belt speed.This should keep you from cooking the board. then adjust the profilr to the board from there. MrMaint
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 07 22:34:29 EDT 2008 | davef
Me?? Six figures?? You're the one cooking those expensive Pop-Tarts, mame.
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 24 14:18:35 EST 2008 | evtimov
Orian, just don't put it in the oven you gonna use to cook in later. Emil
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 29 16:53:22 EDT 2009 | shrek
I had an employee cook a chicken gizzard in our Electrovert Ultrapak 600C.
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 19 11:03:42 EDT 2018 | dleeper
When your stencil foil looks like cooked bacon it's time to replace it.
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 24 21:58:08 EDT 2000 | cklau
Hi; I think what you're looking for is something called "The cook book".The reason that call it that way is b'cos it contains all the needed information and example on how a particular component function in a circuitry.This book contains specificati
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 30 13:43:49 EDT 2004 | Justin
Try Mike Cook. He knows just about every flavor of pick and place machine out there, but his expertise is Universal (UIC). Here is is info: Surface Mount Equipment Services Inc. (561) 883-9886 (561) 504-3812 smeqpsvs@aol.com Tell him Justin at Delt
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 24 07:59:20 EST 1999 | Scott Cook
Jim, If you seek a non-Unix or non-Unix legacy software system, Take a look at pointman / pivot point. Point your browser to http://www.pivotpoint.com/pivotpoint/pointman/index.htm. Scott Cook scook@smtnet.com
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 09 18:27:43 EDT 1999 | Scott Cook
Jim, GREAT to see you post and contribute. Nice to see the forum attracts experts in their field. 'Twas good seeing you at West again, bud. Scott Cook