Electronics Forum: cooksons electronic (Page 1 of 10)


Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 24 09:41:55 EDT 2003 | caldon

You may want to contact Cookson Electronics as they are leading the surge on "LEAD FREE" You may want to post your question to Chyrs Shea at Alpha Metals (Cookson). cshea@cooksonelectronics.com She should be able to field your question and put you i

Innolot - Solderingpaste

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 15 06:59:59 EDT 2009 | davef

Helloooo Germany. Innolot solder paste is a product for harsh environment vehicle electronics that Cookson Electronics developed to improve SAC387, look here: http://www.soldertec.com/SITE/UPLOAD/Document/Conferences/Brown.pdf

Solder reclamation

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 06 10:32:18 EST 2003 | pjc

Go to http://www.cooksonee.com/products/electrovert/Wave/Dross/index.htm for the Cookson Electronics Equipment- Electrovert- Integrated Dross Management System

BGA Voids

Electronics Forum | Thu May 20 14:38:09 EDT 2010 | davef

Unfilled vias consistently produce higher quantities and larger voids than filled vias, in some cases 5 times as much. [Effect of Filling Via-in-Pad on Voiding Rates in PWB Assembly for BGA Components; C Shea, R Raut, L Piccione; ALPHA -A Cookson Ele

Rheometric Pump Vs Proflow

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 03 10:33:53 EST 2003 | pjc

There was a preview (not released for sale) of the next-generation MPM Rheo Pump at the Cookson Electronics booth at APEX. Its pretty much a complete re-design. Major improvement in performance, maintenance and material conservation. Contact your loc

Cookson selling Speedline

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 30 09:35:39 EDT 2003 | jseagle

What do you all think about Cookson trying to sell off their Speedline division? I was just about to purchase an Electrovert Aquastorm 100 but now I am not so sure. Does anyone here have an Austin American in-line wash? Looking for feedback as the

speedline sale

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 07 15:05:16 EST 2003 | stefwitt

It was not stolen, it was disposed Cookson profits from cost-cutting Electronics and ceramics group Cookson has taken heart from half-year results as all three of its divisions kept out of the red in the second quarter. The group says a recent co

OSP coatings

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 07 16:53:15 EDT 2005 | GS

Contact Cookson Electronic, they can support you with OSP solutions (ENTEK---) new formulations for Lead Free apllication. Regards GS --------- from a 2003 Cookson presentation: Objective Although Existing ENTEK� PLUS CU106A technology is suc

DROSS in Wave

Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 02 11:35:30 EST 2006 | davef

Best dross remover is to not produce dross. Search the fine SMYnet Archives for previous discussions Dross will not increase signicantly * Another story, that lead-free solders will generate a greater volume of dross than conventional materials, is

Cookson selling Speedline

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 30 21:20:07 EDT 2003 | davef

It's good for Cookson shareholders that something has forced the managers of Cookson to come to their senses, finally. All those aquisitions never made sense to anyone, except the MBAs and lawyers that reaped the fees from all that paper shuffling.

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cooksons electronic searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

Winsmart Electronic Co.,Ltd
Winsmart Electronic Co.,Ltd

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