Electronics Forum: cool down (Page 1 of 29)

Reflow Oven Cool down

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 17 11:20:24 EDT 2010 | SMTAZ

Our facility is typically a high mix low volume site, but lately we are getting increments on our requirements therefore we are kind of struggling to cool down our ovens before to change over a different recipe ... any suggestion on how to speed it u

Reflow Oven Cool down

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 17 11:47:37 EDT 2010 | namruht

How long of a lag do you have now on the cool down. What type of reflow oven are you using? Are you talking about change over from a Pb Free to a leaded product on the same line?

Reflow Oven Cool down

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 17 12:28:18 EDT 2010 | mikesewell

Are you opening the hood of the oven?

Reflow Oven Cool down

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 17 17:00:39 EDT 2010 | AL

we are using convection ovens and we face the issue when changing from Pb to RoHS but also even when change top side to bottom side if the diference on the profiles needs to go from a high temp to low, we are opening the hood but we would like not to

Reflow Oven Cool down

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 24 04:02:39 EDT 2010 | emmanueldavid

@Sachu: Thank You. Well AL, hope You get the real but to compromise on the time. Many Thanks, David, India.

Reflow Oven Cool down

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 22 00:08:03 EDT 2010 | sachu_70

I would suggest to respect the natural cooling cycle of your equipment. A reflow Oven is a very critical process equipment and needs to be carefully handled. A regular SMT process environment would maintain its ambiuent temp around 22-26 degC. This i

Reflow Oven Cool down

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 20 00:47:35 EDT 2010 | emmanueldavid

AL, Let's always remember that any Temperature controlled environment has to draw higher Time to bring the Temperature down than that is drawing for Temperature Ramp up. The best way is to keep Room Temperature in as low as possible level & open t

simple doubt about reflow profile

Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 18 16:47:34 EST 2007 | darby

As I stated, the reply was direct from Indium, (thanks to Rich Brooks). The information regarding cool down rates should come from your paste supplier; not an oven supplier; not a generic article on lead free. I just went through the data sheets from

Vapour phase soldering - problem

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 18 16:32:25 EDT 2009 | ldavis

Sergey, Try increasing the cool down time if that is a recipe option. We have witnessed the same effect on components that have rather slow cool down rates and were able to eliminate the problem by extending the cooling time.

Reflow Profiling - Cooling Rate?

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 03 16:26:30 EST 2020 | stephendo

A few lifetimes ago I went to a seminar on reflow profiles. The speaker emphasized more than once that the cool down rate is important. Someone asked him about controlling the cool down rate and he acknowledged that you can't. And IIRC it was an ove

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