Electronics Forum: cooling slope reflow (Page 1 of 47)

Reflow cooling rates

Electronics Forum | Mon May 10 10:08:16 EDT 1999 | Rich Taylor

Can anyone tell me what the recommended "typical" cooling rates are after reflow? Are the cooling rates considered as critical to control as the heating rates and why/why not?

Conceptronic Reflow cooling zone

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 09 09:36:55 EST 2006 | aj

All, I would like to find out if it is possible to adjust the cooling rate on a Conceptronic Reflow Oven Model HVN70. We do not use Nitrogen and the Cooloing system is Genesis GCM-1. From profiling it seems to be cooling too quickly. Any replies a

Re: Reflow cooling rates

Electronics Forum | Mon May 10 13:55:22 EDT 1999 | Deon Nungaray

| Can anyone tell me what the recommended "typical" cooling rates are after reflow? Are the cooling rates considered as critical to control as the heating rates and why/why not? | I do not think there is a "typical" post reflow cooling rate out ther

Conceptronic Reflow cooling zone

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 10 09:18:04 EST 2006 | aj

is that fan speed program controlled or manually?

Static dissipative cooling fans

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 11 15:21:51 EST 2012 | pr

Can anyone recommend fans to put on the conveyors post reflow? Thank you, PR

Conceptronic Reflow cooling zone

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 09 09:45:50 EST 2006 | PWH

I'm not familiar with the HVN70 programming but our conceptronic oven reacts well to adjusting the cooling fan speed at the end of the oven. However, TAL will likely be affected substantially by changing fan speed.

Re: Reflow cooling rates

Electronics Forum | Wed May 12 10:29:25 EDT 1999 | Timothy O'Neill

| | | Can anyone tell me what the recommended "typical" cooling rates are after reflow? Are the cooling rates considered as critical to control as the heating rates and why/why not? | | | I do not think there is a "typical" post reflow cooling rate

Re: Reflow cooling rates

Electronics Forum | Mon May 10 15:49:52 EDT 1999 | Steve Gregory

| | Can anyone tell me what the recommended "typical" cooling rates are after reflow? Are the cooling rates considered as critical to control as the heating rates and why/why not? | | I do not think there is a "typical" post reflow cooling rate out

preheat slope vs ramp up- what is different?

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 06 00:23:11 EDT 2010 | cksam

I am doing the case study of the component chip 0201 tombstoning problem. The significant causes was the reflow profiling preheat slope or ramp up rate. I really can't differential between preheat slope and ramp up rate. Could anyone here show me the

preheat slope vs ramp up- what is different?

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 09 07:14:36 EDT 2010 | cobar

http://www.shanelo.co.za/reflow_profile_adjustment.htm http://www.shanelo.co.za/how_to_profile_a_pcb.htm http://www.shanelo.co.za/SMD%20Assist.htm

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