Electronics Forum: coplanarity with lead (Page 1 of 38)


Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 15 05:15:46 EST 1999 | Marlies Hanf

Hi. Can someone explain to me what coplanarity is? There are a few rather irritating and contradictory definitions of that term. When leads are coplanar - what are they then? Are they parallel to each other or not? Thanks, Marlies

Re: coplanarity

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 16 06:59:12 EST 1999 | Calvin Wong

Coplanarity also takes into consideration which is your reference plane. In the case of connectors, you can consider coplanarity between the highest and the lowest lead. Also, you can consider all the connector leads with reference to the connector

Re: coplanarity

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 17 15:11:34 EST 1999 | Alvin Kevichusa

Let's look at it this way... Imagine a multileaded component sitting on a flat surface. If all the leads touch the flat surface, they are all in the same plane (that of the flat surface) and are coplanar. Coplanarity is desirable because if a lead is

washing lead free boards with lead boards

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 19 11:04:08 EST 2006 | Mike Konrad

No, there are no issues with mixed lead / no-lead post-reflow cleaning. No-lead is a little harder to clean so be sure you use the appropriate parameters and cleaning chemical. The only potential issue is if you mix up the boards after cleaning,

washing lead free boards with lead boards

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 18 12:59:53 EST 2006 | jeffharley

We are starting a lead free line. My question: Is there a contamination issue with running lead free boards and lead boards after soldering through the same board wash machine? I would expect not it, but want to know if anyone has any experience with

washing lead free boards with lead boards

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 19 14:43:08 EST 2006 | jeffharley

So as far as pb free compliance in EU there would be no residuals from pb on the pcb's to speak of. We also have deionization cabinet with chealate filter for heavy metals that recirculates the wash water.

Rohs finish with lead past

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 03 07:26:35 EST 2008 | realchunks

Careful on fine pitch QFPs. They will be your weakest joint if your parts are no-lead. And don't think you can simply run a no-lead profile either. Depending on your paste, you cannot simply run your profile in the no-lead temps and expect your fl

Rohs finish with lead past

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 02 13:01:11 EST 2008 | floydf

Does anyone know if it possible to use Sn63/Pb37 paste on a board with Sn100 finish. Any thoughts on this will be greatly appreciated.

Rohs finish with lead past

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 02 13:32:48 EST 2008 | patrickbruneel

This shouldn't give you any issues as long as you don't have to be RoHS compliant.

soldering lead free component with lead bearing solder

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 11 16:58:24 EST 2005 | steve

I know this has been dealt with in the past but I couldn't dig up anything in the archives. If I'm soldering a 0402 lead free component with 63/37 solder is this a problem. Also lets take the opposite. If I'm soldering a lead bearing 0402 with lead f

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