Electronics Forum: copper 5

HASL lead free thickness

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 17 07:39:20 EST 2010 | jax

Most PCB manufacturers should be able to fall between 1.25um-5.00um for Pb-Free HASL. I doubt you will get anyone to agree to anything higher. If you are going to require an average thickness, make sure you also state "No Copper exposure allowed".

Brush-Up Your Intermetalics!!!

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 17 21:31:06 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| | Does anyone know where I can find a list of things to do to when troubleshooting issues during the wave solder process? | | | | for example: | | | | Solder Bridge | | 1.verify amount of flux been aplied. | | 2.verify turbulance on your solder w

Re: Brush-Up Your Intermetalics!!!

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 17 22:10:48 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| | | Does anyone know where I can find a list of things to do to when troubleshooting issues during the wave solder process? | | | | | | for example: | | | | | | Solder Bridge | | | 1.verify amount of flux been aplied. | | | 2.verify turbulance on


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