Electronics Forum: copper balancing (Page 1 of 6)

Thermal resistance of a given copper area

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 06 18:44:26 EDT 2003 | davef

No, no. It's koscher to have thermal planes. You just need to: * Work with your fabricator to keep the layup balanced. * Relieve the plane so that it doesn't cause assembly problems. While probably not directly for your part, it gives a starting p

PCB War-page

Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 30 16:42:32 EST 2016 | davef

Many board fabs help their customer understand the importance of copper balance. Copper balance * http://www.multi-circuit-boards.eu/en/pcb-design-aid/copper-balance.html * http://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/85633/what-is-copper-thiev

PCB bows after wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 24 15:33:56 EDT 2010 | davef

Our best suggestion - get the copper balanced and if possible go to higher Tg materials.


Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 20 06:47:53 EDT 2006 | Julien VITTU (STMicro)

hung copper balance is really critical in your case. in the same configuration we have specified less than 5% copper variation between top and bottom layer if you keep this rule, assembly will be ok, otherwise you will get a terrible warpage after

PCBA flatness

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 13 22:29:50 EST 2006 | davef

Warp depends on: * How close the board gets to its Tg during the reflow cycle (the closer you get to the Tg the worse the warp gets) * Amount of copper on each side and the balance between the two * Thickness of the board * Overall length x width * T

Boards getting

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 25 08:56:47 EDT 2005 | russ

In addition to Daves comments. You might want to look at the layer construction to see if the copper is balanced throughout the board.

PCB Warpage in Reflow

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 13 04:58:01 EDT 2007 | pavel_murtishev

Good afternoon, Heating/Cooling rates contribute to warpage most of all. Try to tweak you profile so that heating/cooling rate would be minimized. Try to switch cooling blowers off maintaining required peak/TAL. Check copper balance for this PWB, by

Boards getting

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 03 21:20:09 EDT 2005 | Ken

CTE mismatch. X, Y, Z all expand at different rates. Cooling or heating rates will not change this CTE mismatch. Layer counts, power plane ballance, equal run lengths in x-y and copper balance all contribute. Have your supplier evaluate your s

Board Warpage

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 29 11:18:16 EDT 2008 | julienvittu

basically your problems come from the copper balance top and bottom side we are using substrate down to 0.18mm (semiconductor industry/ Bga package / SIp business) you have to respect 5% difference maximum between Top and bottom side otherwise you

PCB bows after wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 25 15:04:39 EDT 2010 | siddharth

Thanks for you suggestions, guys. davef, I am gonna get with my PCB suppliers and talk to them about copper balancing and checking the Tg of the materials they use. SC, I am working towards designing wave pallets for my boards and try your suggesti

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