Electronics Forum: copper earth rod (Page 1 of 1)

trace surface finish

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 09 21:54:01 EDT 2013 | mandysmile

Hi, rod, The exposed copper area you could do with ENIG. It is with good solderability.

Fillet Tearing

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 23 12:21:11 EST 2006 | Rob

Well, at least it gives you an option if you ever have a heavy fall & land on your head. Could you not modify an ESD coat & add some copper welding rod to give it that flying in the wind look? You could even decorate it with some disposable heal st

Sn99 Cu0.7 Ag 0.3

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 07 20:22:05 EST 2005 | KEN

Here are some general rules for lead free wave solder: Noble aloys will cost more. Period. The cheapest metal on earth is lead. Costs can only go up in Lead Free. Consumer grade and class 2 electronics will most likely use Tin / Copper for wave.

static electricity buildup

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 23 01:39:29 EDT 2002 | ianchan

Hi, 1) Was reading the links provided by Dave F, under the thread "waste" which was about the ESD grounding of drums. 2) thanks to Dave F, now have "back-bone" refer sources to explain ESD terms to those who ask and seek to better understand this n

Why can my bare PCB be magnetized?

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 01 03:02:50 EST 2018 | robl

Hi Rob, > > I did check with the board house, and > the confirmed that there was no Nickel plating, > but that the silver went straight onto the copper > in their immersion silver > process. > > Interestingly I've even tested an > unplated sam

Re: Solder Iron/Tip Problem!

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 17 16:18:22 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| | Has anyone had problems with the Weller MT 1500 IRON/TIP solder station? | | Please advise your problem and resolution. | | | | ddj | | 6/16/99 | | | I don't like to use the needle tips (MT2 series), but the rest of the tips work fine. The MT2

Re: Cosmetics For PCBs

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 30 13:54:00 EDT 1998 | Chrys

All y'all | | BACKGROUND. How many times do you see folks come to work all painted-up and then by the time first break comes, the lipstick, eye liner, and who knows what else are gone and they�re heading for the facilities to "freshen-up." I w

Re: Cosmetics For PCBs

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 02 16:52:38 EDT 1998 | Dave F

All y'all | | | | | BACKGROUND. How many times do you see folks come to work all painted-up and then by the time first break comes, the lipstick, eye liner, and who knows what else are gone and they�re heading for the facilities to "freshen-up."

Wetting problem of PCB after reflow soldering

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 14 15:31:02 EDT 2001 | davef

How in earthly heaven would someone else have a report analyzing the defects on your boards? Among the good failure analysis labs that can assess situations like yours are: * Robisan Laboratory 6502 East 21 St Indianapolis, IN 46219 317-353-6249 fax

Re: Board Warp And Twist

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 10 13:12:10 EDT 2000 | Bob Willis

You may care to review the following from my Circuits Assembly page on line. "HOW FLAT IS FLAT AND DO WE NEED FLAT CIRCUIT BOARD, YES WE DO ? As production problems go there is one that keeps reoccurring time and time again. The blame is usually di


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