Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 03 17:47:06 EST 2006 | Brian Smith
Kester offers Tin-Copper AND Tin-Copper-Nickel. The Kester K100 alloy is a Tin-Copper-Nickel material that is very similar to SN100C. Straight Tin-Copper isn't tremendously popular but can be used in low-cost, consumer-electronics applications wher
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 02 03:35:09 EST 2005 | Slaine
I thought it was the tin content that leached the copper so presumed 100Sn would be more aggressive?
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 09 20:28:14 EDT 2004 | Ken
I have experience in this. My company offers Lead free SMT and Wave soldering. I have processed ImSn, ImAg, Enig, OSP in both smt and wave. Yes, silver leaching will occur. Yes, copper leaching will occur. High tin content solders disolve everyt
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 29 16:09:44 EDT 1999 | Dave F
| Could somebody tell me what means Leaching, ie: "Leaching of terminal end face exposing the ceramic"? | Roberto: Leaching, according to the SMTnet Library of Terms: Leaching. Dissolution of a metal coating into liquid solder. Nickel barrier unde
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 26 10:03:17 EDT 1999 | Sal
| | Could somebody tell me what means Leaching, ie: "Leaching of terminal end face exposing the ceramic"? | | | Roberto: Leaching, according to the SMTnet Library of Terms: | | Leaching. Dissolution of a metal coating into liquid solder. Nickel ba
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 29 18:35:59 EDT 1999 | JohnW
| | Could somebody tell me what means Leaching, ie: "Leaching of terminal end face exposing the ceramic"? | | | Roberto: Leaching, according to the SMTnet Library of Terms: | | Leaching. Dissolution of a metal coating into liquid solder. Nickel ba
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 04 12:58:17 EST 2008 | smt123
I have to agree with Patrick here. This image appears to show a board that is NOT HASL as there is what appears to be a copper pad in the upper portion of the image. But then again the arrow tip appears to be white and I woudl expect that to be red s
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 01 16:43:52 EDT 1999 | Dave F
| | | Could somebody tell me what means Leaching, ie: "Leaching of terminal end face exposing the ceramic"? | | | | | Roberto: Leaching, according to the SMTnet Library of Terms: | | | | Leaching. Dissolution of a metal coating into liquid solder.
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 30 11:09:24 EDT 1999 | John Thorup
| | | Could somebody tell me what means Leaching, ie: "Leaching of terminal end face exposing the ceramic"? | | | | | Roberto: Leaching, according to the SMTnet Library of Terms: | | | | Leaching. Dissolution of a metal coating into liquid solder.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 08 07:56:34 EDT 2017 | jkitt84
In an excellent previous thread davef mentions brass should be plated prior to soldering to prevent zinc leaching from the brass. It is reported once the zinc leaches, the joint is weak. He recommends copper or nickel plating. Would silver plating w