Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 15 11:17:03 EDT 2010 | davef
Things don't disappear completely. If something caused nickel corrosion, the nickel corrosion by-product would be in place of the nickel. Is it possible that ... There never was any nickel? We know that the nickel will diffuse into the copper. Th
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 15 06:27:50 EDT 2010 | xps
Hi after an enviromental test 85C/85RH, for 3 months (powered), of an electronic assembly with edge finger tabs ENIG finished (nickel 5micron, gold 0.02micron), the nickel disappears completely under the gold (due to corrosion, I think). Does anyone
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 15 13:27:42 EDT 2010 | xps
Thanks... anyway I confirm, the nickel disappear (verified by cross section)and a strange substance greyish above gold, covering the tabs after test. I don't know the reason for this phenomenon. I don't believe that with proper electrolytic nickel fi
Electronics Forum | Mon May 18 15:50:43 EDT 2020 | dunks
Data sheet does not say. Thanks, will likely be doing the same.
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 15 10:16:55 EST 2015 | mbb
I had a problem with PCB pads: soldering process couldn't be performed because soldering pads of component in the PCB are oxydized. Is there any solutions to eliminate the corrosion on the pads in order to avoid there scrap because we 're talking abo
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 04 22:09:57 EST 2016 | a290668789
It's amazing. I rarely saw that ENIG finish could be corroded. It should be the Nickel corroded issue and then affected the solderability. Not clear how to clear this, if you get the answer, let me know. good luck
Electronics Forum | Sun May 17 03:44:30 EDT 2020 | dunks
Hello, has anyone had issues with uncoated ferrite smd inductors corroding/rusting from di water wash?
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 15 15:21:17 EST 2015 | davef
Peculiar that ENIG boards are corroded, not that it can't happen. * J-STD-002, Solderability Tests for Component Leads, Terminations, Lugs, Terminals and Wires * J-STD-003, Solderability Tests for Printed Boards The first person I'd talk with is my
Electronics Forum | Mon May 18 15:30:07 EDT 2020 | dwl
I've seen that before, had to switch to a no clean process for those boards. It's not typical for ferrites, usually its safe to wash them. Out of curiosity does the Data sheet say anything about whether or not they can be washed? In my case we lear
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 12 14:36:59 EDT 2005 | pjc
Electrovert's corrosion tests show that it's less corrosive to SS than SAC but it still exhibited corrosive characteristics. What they can't tell from the tests yet is how long before the corrosion starts with the alloy. To be 100% sure, Electrover