Electronics Forum: corrosion ic pins (Page 1 of 17)

ic programming problems

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 29 08:37:04 EDT 2003 | davef

From a data sheet [we know it's not Cypress ]: AMD PALCE16V8 Family EE CMOS 20-Pin Universal Programmable Array Logic Programming and Erasing The PALCE16V8 can be programmed on standard logic programmers. It also may be erased to reset a previously c

Pogo Pins

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 08 13:22:41 EDT 2021 | davef

Many pogo pins have a plating that may not solder well. The plating is intended to limit corrosion on the pogo pin from soldering flux. Back in the old days, they used gold. I have no idea of what they use now.

Hall IC Placement (Support with PWB Carrier)

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 05 04:10:34 EST 2003 | Joseph

Presently, we have one PWBA with Hall IC which required designated PWE-Carrier to hold this component from bottom. This IC only has 4 leads at one at one side, whereas no lead available at the opposite. See below diagram for detail. _____

IC Marking (Manufacturer)

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 22 08:47:35 EST 1997 | Amer Alshawa

Hi all, I have an IC that is written on it: KEL16 XAQR It has 8 pins.

cold joint on 1 lead of IC

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 08 22:27:45 EST 2007 | davef

What is the measured temperature on: * Pin 1 * Pin 18

PCB Gold Pad Corrosion

Electronics Forum | Mon May 15 13:05:31 EDT 2017 | edhare

Pin holes in the gold can allow for corrosion of the underlying nickel and copper to form copper and nickel oxides on the gold surface (example - http://www.semlab.com/blog/?p=564. The corrosion can work itself all the way through the EN layer (exam

QFP IC open solder

Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 22 09:36:04 EDT 2002 | davef

Sometimes the cut end of QFP leads have corrosion that is very difficult to solder. If this is what you're talking about, it is not a defect according A-610C, 6.5.2, Exposed Basis Metal

cold joint on 1 lead of IC

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 08 08:15:28 EST 2007 | tjcrume

I have received 10 customer returns for a cold solder joint on 1 lead of a 36 pin IC. Everytime it is on the #18 pin. The process is reflow and I can't figure out why the one leg is cold and the other legs look OK.

Flux Removal from IC for Re-work

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 07 11:32:20 EST 2009 | brianksc

Hi All, I am trying to figure out the best way to rework around 2.7K worth of 48pin QFP ICs. I am trying to salvage these ICs from defective PCBA and they have quite a bit of rosin flux on them. Does anyone know how to get the flux off while minim

MPM UP2000 6410 Driver Cards Failing

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 26 10:10:13 EST 2014 | swag

Reseat all the connectors on the cards make sure pins are clean and no corrosion. Not sure what to say about current, etc. There is or was a place on the east coast that repairs these cards. Can't remember who it is - sorry not much help with that

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