Electronics Forum: corrupted file topaz (Page 1 of 9)

block function for topaz

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 01 15:20:39 EDT 2008 | slthomas

1) Is it possible that there is another program for the board w/o without the block conversion? Renaming instead of copying the file to a new name is one mistake I won't make again! 2) Are there "notes" in the last column of the placement data? If t

Cad2cad software for emarald and topaz

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 16 14:12:28 EDT 2021 | sarason

Use my program PCBSynergy https://pcbsynergy.com It has VIOS geneartion in it pretty much identical to the files that CAD2CAD generates. sarason

sample USER.MCH file for older Phillips CSM 84VIII

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 02 18:27:36 EST 2016 | hlabs

I purchased a Phillips CSM 84V III for a backup machine several years ago and finally getting around to setting it up. When the floppy is inserted for loading the USER.MCH (also the .FDR and .VIS files) the screen reads file not found but is on the f

Philips Topaz manuals

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 22 05:03:55 EDT 2014 | vdprs

Hi Everybody! For this time I was using Philips Topaz (old type, not X or not Xi). In net I found full user manual (pdf file, 420 pages) and corrupted service manual (pdf file, 260 pages). In service manual only chapters from 1 to 10. Needeed other

Hello, I am having trouble getting the DEK machine to work horizon 03ix software

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 12 04:49:43 EST 2023 | ttheis

Seems like a file was corrupted on the hard drive. Hopefully you have it backed up. We take a hard drive image of every machine on delivery in case of a hard drive failure or corruption.

CP45FV NEO EMER e804 scale of X axis can not be detected

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 27 03:39:49 EST 2018 | bukas

problem solved, it was corrupted system file.

Siemens 80 S-20 problem

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 08 06:30:48 EST 2007 | tommyttr

Chris, The machine is looking for a response from the LC. Usually, it will hang up from a corrupted .gf file. delete all the .gf files from the station. make sure you are NOT hooked up to the LC and/or LC turned off, put machine in stand alone mode.

Topaz files, information

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 08 02:00:20 EDT 2011 | promax

Hello, i´m trying to do a program to convert a text file from Altium to Topaz-X files. But i dont have any information about its format. Can someone help me Thanks

DEK265GS - Startup problem

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 16 11:15:38 EDT 2012 | menatech

delete the pointer readings.dek. If the printer loads after restart is the problem a corrupt program (last printed product. if this not work could it be a problem with the DEK config file. save the the file on floppy and delete it from the m/c. the s

DEK Infinity software error DEK_PCCM.exe exception access violation Dr. Watson for NT

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 18 22:41:36 EST 2013 | dekhead

You don't say what software version is running on machine; generally caused by corrupted file; delete E: config local.lpf file and then reboot machine (new file will be created). If not this, recommend reload of machine software (should not require s

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