Electronics Forum: cp 45 fv (Page 1 of 35)

Samsung CP 45 NEO, servo motors

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 25 11:29:24 EDT 2019 | alexcouto

Good afternoon Bukas, Thanks for the help. As soon as I have news I communicate.

Samsung CP 45 NEO, servo motors

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 08 04:08:39 EST 2019 | alexcouto

The video of the problem can be seen in the following link: https://meocloud.pt/link/5fd24217-3fe8-4e53-8ca3-7be8f04ca7fa/V_20190307_182529.mp4/

Samsung CP 45 NEO, servo motors

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 08 07:26:38 EST 2019 | alexcouto

Good morning Bukas. Thanks for the help, I'll make that same change. I'll give you feedback later. Thank you very much

Samsung CP 45 NEO, servo motors

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 21 02:52:59 EDT 2019 | bukas

looks like home sensor problem, whats the error message? does head 6 now work properly?

Samsung CP 45 NEO, servo motors

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 08 04:03:34 EST 2019 | alexcouto

Hello guys, I am not very familiar with samsung cp 45 neo machines, however, I am trying to repair a head that from what I was told was always disabled. I activated head # 6 and there was no movement in the first phase, I thought it might be the fail

Samsung CP 45 NEO, servo motors

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 08 05:44:40 EST 2019 | bukas

are you sure #1 and #6 are interchangeable? if I remember correctly there is a catch with those motors, like there are 2 groups, group 1 being #1 #3 #5 and group 2 being #2 #4 and #6. maybe try getting it back and swapping cables at drivers for head

Samsung CP 45 NEO, servo motors

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 22 13:32:15 EDT 2019 | kahrpr

all the motors on the head are the same just the connecting cable are different length. the motors have a home position for the zero pulse that home position has to match when the flag passes through the homing sensor all servos have a home position

Samsung CP 45 NEO, servo motors

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 25 11:37:25 EDT 2019 | alexcouto

Good afternoon KaHrpr, I understand that servo motors have a way of knowing how far they are. but how can I find out where to position the motor or how can I configure the motor to change its parameters? should I use any software that should be incor

Samsung CP 45 NEO, servo motors

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 20 14:05:29 EDT 2019 | alexcouto

Hello again, I put the motors 1 and 6 back in their correct positions, but head 1 now gives me a new error. will it be necessary to configure the head 1 motor in any way? I was still checking to see if the belt and the engine would be in position, bu

Samsung CP 45 NEO, servo motors

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 22 03:19:43 EDT 2019 | bukas

well, in video shown it looks like #1 motor drives head #1 upwards but does not detect home sensor being triggered. and then you get timeout error, head not being able to reach the position ( machine not registering it has reached position). since yo

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