Electronics Forum: cp1 (Page 1 of 1)

Cpk Variables Control for Paste Printing

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 04 16:38:51 EST 2002 | davef

Equipment companies like to talk about �accuracy� and �repeatability�. These measures provide limited information. Flaws of the measure aside, some printer companies have begun to report Cp. * DEK ELA: Cp = 1.33 @ �0.025mm * DEK 265: Cp = 1.6 @ �0.0

Fuji FCP-IV-2 error

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 17 13:15:51 EST 2010 | jdengler

It turned out to be the battery in the CP-1 PLC. Replaced the battery and we are back up and running.


Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 13 07:00:31 EDT 2018 | negev

I am not sure if anyone can find this information usful...but I will post it anway, our old CP-642 couldnt start up with "LOADER INIT ERROR"changing the battery in the CP1 I/O card solved the problem.

Fuji IP 2 Servo NG error?

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 09 17:42:56 EDT 2009 | smellew

ok Please power on the machine & confirmed that M1CP 2 is ok this is the breaker for the 35V & check M1cp1 now look at the drawings at address 1011 & check the axis ready relays Z1 11CS3x 151-GB Closed is ok if open see address 5402 Z1 servo amp is f


Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 19 11:04:43 EDT 2001 | Spanky

All, We are getting ready to start running with 0201 passives. I have never run these before. We have run some 0402s however. We don't have any assemblies in-house yet, so I can't give any intelligent information regarding the board design (size,

Real World Experiance with 0201s

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 19 15:22:34 EDT 2001 | jdtpfacreate

Spanky, It sounds like you are looking for a recipe to use when you do get an assembly in that has 0201's on it. We have worked with our customers worldwide in the development of the process to use 0201's. Most equipment manufacturers out there


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