Electronics Forum: cp40 aligner initialize error (Page 1 of 1)

error 117:Overflow on CSM84

Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 01 18:08:03 EST 2007 | jmelson

Hello, I just ran into a crazy problem with my CSM84. I did a batch of one side of a board, then loaded the program to do the top side, and it stops with the head over the 3rd component's feeder, and reports error 117:overflow. The maintenance manua

Help CSM84 mechanical alignment

Electronics Forum | Thu May 03 22:51:14 EDT 2007 | jmelson

I am still learning the CSM84, but have gotten one board programmed and working. Now, I'm doing the next board, and need to use the mechanical alignment unit for a 22 x 22 mm TQFP. This chip is too large to clear the jaws on any head. Can the CSM h

Manual Stencil Alignment

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 27 21:24:47 EDT 2001 | davef

Welcome. First, proper alignment can produce an order-of-magnitude increase in the number of boards that can be printed without wiping. The initial alignment can be made either by: * Peering through the stencil apertures at the board underneath and

Help CSM84 mechanical alignment

Electronics Forum | Fri May 04 02:32:10 EDT 2007 | jmelson

Thanks! Well, the procedure in the book says to first calibrate the mech aligner with the beam sensor, but that exceeds the X travel. I guess you can just eyeball it off the nozzles and then use trial and error. While poking around on the machine

Quad 4c not placing components

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 04 09:47:41 EDT 2019 | smrsteve

Hello All, I've just bought a Quad 4c pick & place machine. It's so close to actually building boards, but just doesn't quite get there. I was wondering if there's somebody out there with experience of these machines that might be able to help...?

CSM Technical Question

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 10 17:47:49 EDT 2007 | jmelson

Does it give any more info about the error? Is this in the stage after you've hit run, it says "initializing" and it is counting up on the screen? Usually it gives a little more info, although it can still be cryptic. I have run into it stopping w

Universal Instruments Radial Inserter

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 30 15:28:25 EDT 2007 | gmoritz

I'm posting a diary of the major repair experience that we had this weekend. I'll follow up with a shorter post that sort of summarizes a few things. ------------------------------------------------ The service guys showed up at our facility about

Re: Help I need DATA on Thermal shock caused by REWORK!

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 02 03:27:52 EDT 1999 | Brian

| I am currently in the middle of a company wide war and I'm looking for data (AMMO). Here are the problems: | | 1) I am looking for anyone who has done or seen any reports on Thermal Shock to smt parts and/or via holes caused by Soldering Irons at

Re: Help I need DATA on Thermal shock caused by REWORK!

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 02 20:19:19 EDT 1999 | John Dwinell

| | I am currently in the middle of a company wide war and I'm looking for data (AMMO). Here are the problems: | | | | 1) I am looking for anyone who has done or seen any reports on Thermal Shock to smt parts and/or via holes caused by Soldering Ir


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