Electronics Forum: cp45fv mmi software (Page 1 of 4)

someone has the software of the samsung cp-40 lv + I can not find it

Electronics Forum | Sun May 12 01:19:32 EDT 2019 | dunks

I'm in the same boat, fresh install of win 98 and I have multiple versions of the mmi install exe but get these errors. Missing drivers? Is it fixable or lost cause?

Samsung CP45FV Neo Programming

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 26 10:54:18 EST 2014 | JB

Hello. Does anyone know how to add a different package to the Part Group on the Samsung CP45FV neo software? See picture. For example if we wanted a heading for Inductors, how do we add that? Thanks


Electronics Forum | Fri May 21 17:41:01 EDT 2021 | jamesatqkits

Hello, This is my first time posting to this forum, or forums in general, so go easy on me. I have just acquired a CP45FV NEO, "My other car is a CP45FV NEO" anyways, when I try to put the machine into ready mode I get the error, [0006] I/O power


Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 05 02:24:58 EDT 2004 | darby

What config are you replacing? ie 1 machine, 2 x 3machine lines, 1 x 2 machine line etc. What do you want to place with it? I can't comment on the Contact machines having never used one. On Samsungs I will say this. For your own benefit consider the


Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 02 10:33:46 EST 2013 | sarivong0914

Hello all, We have a Samsung CP45FV Neo, and I'm having problems with the operating software. I have a PCB with 2 different rev's. Rev. A boards was programmed to run Vertical. Then Rev.B boards are horizontal but was programmed to run vertical.

cp45fv-neo Emergency stop

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 01 06:15:09 EDT 2020 | bukas

do you get error when software loads or when you run program? once i had MPU stop because there was skipped array in my step file

CP45FV NEO- Error in DP Initialize comunication

Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 05 22:07:50 EDT 2021 | danniedarko

Hi, I live same error 3 years ago. I can fix this problem. but need remote access by (AnyDesk) software. and have 50USDT cost. send access information dannie.darko@outlook.com

Program Conversion

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 12 10:30:00 EDT 2017 | sambo

Hello, We currently have Samsung CP45FV and SM45IFC pick and place machines and are looking to invest in two new Fuji NXT III SMT lines. I'm looking for a conversion software that will convert our existing programs to Fuji format. Is there any softw

Samsung Placement Machines

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 04 10:19:55 EDT 2003 | Sat

Shortlisted a Samsung machine CP45FV for purchase for a medium speed application. Any feedback on your impressions of Samsung machines in general and also in terms of company, service, support, software etc. that you would like to share would be grea

Samsung CP45 program password

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 13 03:48:57 EDT 2009 | geb

Hi, The machine is a Samsung CP45FV-Neo. Is there a way to set the level of control operators have over a program? We'd like to have a program which can't be changed, except by a technician. I can't see any way of doing this with the machine software

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