Electronics Forum: cp6/cp4 (Page 1 of 1)

CP4 / CP6 Feeder calibration and PM

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 08 12:17:03 EST 2007 | cyber_wolf

Hi, I am taking a survey. How many CP6/CP4 feeders should an experienced technician be able to calibrate and PM in an 8 hour shift ? Exclude major repairs. Just cleaning,lube and calibrate. We have implemented a full time feeder technician and I wa

Tombstoning issues!!!

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 09 17:39:30 EDT 2008 | diesel_1t

Hi. I know that this is one of the mos common threads here, I have been doing some research, but i didn't find any similar. The main issue is that I have seen tombstoning since two weeks ago, it is more characteristic on 0603 resistors (Stackpole e


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